Instructor: Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1pm – 2:30pm
Location: McConnell 103
Office hours: Wednesdays, 2:30pm – 3:30pm in McConnell 108N
Course outline

TA: Jad Kabbara

This course presents an introduction to the computational modelling of natural language. Topics covered include: computational morphology, language modelling, syntactic parsing, lexical and compositional semantics, and discourse analysis. We will consider selected applications such as automatic summarization, machine translation, and speech processing. We will also study machine learning algorithms that are used in natural language processing.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of probabilities and statistics (e.g., MATH 323 or ECSE 305); algorithms (COMP 251 or COMP 252); programming experience.
Useful but not required: Background in artificial intelligence (e.g., COMP 424); introductory course in linguistics (LING 201).

Instructor permission is required to register. To obtain this permission, send me an e-mail stating (1) how you meet the prerequisites listed above, (2) your McGill ID, and (3) whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. I will process these requests at the beginning of each month, and ask the administrator to add permissions for you to register.