The McGill School of Computer Science offers Masters and Ph.D. programs.
Which program should you apply to?
If you are a McGill undergrad, then you can consider applying for the B.Sc. / M.Sc. fast track. More information on this program can be found at our B.Sc/M.Sc (Thesis) Track page,
If your final goal is (or may be) to obtain a Ph.D. then there are two possibilities.
- If you have already completed a Masters degree, you should apply directly to the Ph.D. program.
- If you do not hold a Masters degree, you should apply to Masters program initially, although you have the possibility of being admitted to the Ph.D. program directly if you have excellent academic records. Furthermore, students who are already in the Masters program at the School of Computer Science and have shown sufficient scholastic and research abilities will have the possibility of being fast-tracked to the Ph.D. program at the end of the first academic year, without having to complete the requirements of the Masters degree.
Information on graduate programs
For general information, please contact Ann Jack.
For the Master's Graduate Program Director, please contact Prof Muthucumaru Maheswaran.
For the PhD Graduate Program Director, please contact Prof Hamed Hatami.