Graphics Interface  2014
May 7th to 9th, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Each session list contains links to the authors' project pages to provide easy access to related materials. Project pages typically contain at least the title, abstract, authors, and a preprint of the paper, but may also have videos, supplementary documents, data or code, and may put the paper within the context of a higher-level research project. Please find the complete set of abstracts of accepted posters in the poster proceedings PDF. GI attendees may also wish to consult the AIGICRV overview, the AI program and the CRV program.

Wednesday May 7, UdeM, André-Aisenstadt building, Room 1360

8:30 - 9:00 Joint Welcoming Session in Room 1140
09:00 - 10:30 Session #1 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session #2 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (on your own)
14:00 - 15:30 Session #3 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session #4 17:30 - 18:30 CHCCS/SCDHM Annual General Meeting

Thursday May 8, UdeM, André-Aisenstadt building, Room 1360

09:00 - 10:30 Session #5 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session #6
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (on your own)
14:00 - 15:30 Session #7 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Session #8 19:00 - 22:00 Awards Banquet

Friday May 9, Polytechnique, Lassonde building, Room M-1120

09:00 - 10:30 Session #9 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Session #10 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00 - 15:30 Session #11 15:30 - 16:00 Candy and chocolate reception
16:00 - 17:30 Session #12 17:30 - 18:00 Poster Awards and Closing

Physics and Collision (Session #1)

Fast computation of task efficient contact configurations for arbitrary virtual creatures in 3D environments
[LINK] Steve Tonneau, Julien Pettre, Franck Multon
Seamless Adaptivity of Elastic Models
[LINK] Maxime Tournier, Benjamin Gilles, Matthieu Nesme, François Faure
Efficient Collision Detection while Rendering Dynamic Point Clouds
[LINK] Mohamed Radwan, Stefan Ohrhallinger, Michael Wimmer
Signed Distance Fields for Polygon Soup Meshes
[LINK] Hongyi Xu, Jernej Barbic

Input Techniques (Session #2)

Experimental Study of Stroke Shortcuts for a Touchscreen Keyboard with Gesture-Redundant Keys Removed
(Best Student Paper HCI)
[LINK] Ahmed Sabbir Arif, Michel Pahud, Ken Hinckley, Bill Buxton
Position vs. velocity control for tilt-based interaction
[LINK] Robert Teather, Scott MacKenzie
The Performance of Un-Instrumented In-Air Pointing
[LINK] Michelle Brown, Euclides Mendonça, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
A Natural Click Interface for AR Systems with a Single Camera
[LINK] Atushi Sugiura, Masahiro Toyoura, Xiaoyang Mao

Real-Time Rendering (Session #3)

Using Stochastic Sampling to Create Depth-of-Field Effect in Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering
[LINK] AmirAli Sharifi, Pierre Boulanger
Interactive Light Scattering with Principal-Ordinate Propagation
(Best Student Paper Graphics)
[LINK] Oskar Elek, Tobias Ritschel, Carsten Dachsbacher, Hans-Peter Seidel
Micro-buffer Rasterization Reduction Method for Environment Lighting Using Point-based Rendering
[LINK] Takahiro Harada
Separable, Variable-Sized Bokeh Depth of Field
[LINK] Johannes Moersch, Howard J. Hamilton

Video and Collaboration (Session #5)

Casual Authoring using a Video Navigation History
[LINK] Matthew Fong, Abir Al-Hajri, Gregor Miller, Sidney Fels
VisionSketch: Integrated Support for Example-Centric Programming of Image Processing Applications
[LINK] Jun Kato, Takeo Igarashi
Fast Forward with your VCR: Visualizing Single-Video Viewing Statistics for Navigation and Sharing
[LINK] Abir Al-Hajri, Matthew Fong, Gregor Miller, Sidney Fels
Supervisor-Student Research Meetings: A Case Study on Choice of Tools and Practices in Computer Science
[LINK] Hasti Seifi, Helen Halbert, Joanna McGrenere

Visualization (Session #8)

Geo-Topo Maps: Hybrid Visualization of Movement Data over Building Floor Plans and Maps
[LINK] Quentin Ventura, Michael McGuffin
Information Visualization Techniques for Exploring Oil Well Trajectories in Reservoir Models
[LINK] Sowmya Somanath, Sheelagh Carpendale, Ehud Sharlin, Mario Costa Sousa
ReCloud: Semantics-Based Word Cloud Visualization of User Reviews
[LINK] Ji Wang, Jian Zhao, Sheng Guo, Chris North, Naren Ramakrishnan
Visualizing Aerial LiDAR Cities with Hierarchical Hybrid Point-Polygon Structures
[LINK] Zhenzhen Gao, Luciano Nocera, Miao Wang, Ulrich Neumann

Understanding Users: Inking, Perception and Adaptation (Session #9)

How Low Should We Go? Understanding the Perception of Latency While Inking
[LINK] Michelle Annett, Albert Ng, Paul Dietz, Anoop Gupta, Walter Bischof
The Effect of Interior Bezel Presence and Width on Magnitude Judgement
[LINK] James Wallace, Daniel Vogel, Edward Lank
User Adaptation to a Faulty Unistroke-Based Text Entry Technique by Switching to an Alternative Gesture Set
[LINK] Ahmed Arif, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
The Pen Is Mightier: Understanding Stylus Behaviour While Inking on Tablets
[LINK] Michelle Annett, Fraser Anderson, Anoop Gupta, Walter Bischof

Geometry, Sketching, and BRDFs (Session #12)

Computation of polarized subsurface BRDF for rendering
[LINK] Charly Collin, Sumanta Pattanaik, Kadi Bouatouch
Spectral Global Intrinsic Symmetry Invariant Functions
[LINK] Hui Wang, Patricio Simari, Zhixun Su, Hao Zhang
First Person Sketch-based Terrain Editing
[LINK] Flora Ponjou Tasse, Arnaud Emillien, Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Adrien Bernhardt
Coordinated Particles System for Image Stylization
[LINK] Chujia Wei, David Mould

Posters (Session #11)

Facebook use in Bhutan: A Comparative Study
Foad Hamidi, Melanie Baljko
Illimitable Space System Demo Installation
Miao Song, Serguei Mokhov, Peter Grogono
QualiWand: Towards Optimising Feedback for Motion Capture System Calibration
Zlatko Franjcic, Pawel Wozniak
Pen-based Error Detection with Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms
Afroza Sultana, Karyn Moffatt
Robot Arm Manipulation using Depth Cameras and Inverse Kinematics
(Best Poster HCI)
Akhilesh Mishra, Oscar Meruvia-Pastor
Toward Scalable Visual Digital Evidence Representation
Serguei Mokhov, Miao Song, Peter Grogono, Joey Paquet, Mourad Debbabi
Unified Terrain Synthesis with Large-Scale Structure and Fine-Scale Detail
(Best Poster Graphics)
Maryam Ariyan, David Mould
Multi Layer Skin Simulation
Pengbo Li, Paul Kry
Contact Classification
Charles Bouchard, Paul Kry
A New Approach for Evaluation of Stereo Correspondence Solutions in Augmented Reality
Bahar Pourazar, Oscar Meruvia-Pastor
Real-Time Registration of Highly Variant Colour+Depth Image Pairs
Sahand Seifi, Afsaneh Rafighi, Oscar Meruvia-Pastor

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