Biographical Sketch

Jackie Chi Kit Cheung is an associate professor in McGill University's School of Computer Science, where he co-directs the Reasoning and Learning Lab. He is a Canada CIFAR AI Chair and an Associate Scientific Co-Director at the Mila Quebec AI Institute. His research focuses on topics in natural language generation such as automatic summarization, and on integrating diverse knowledge sources into NLP systems for pragmatic and common-sense reasoning. He also works on applications of NLP to domains such as health and language revitalization. He is motivated by how the structure of the world can be reflected in the structure of language processing systems. He is a consulting researcher at Microsoft Research Montreal.

He has published over 80 peer-reviewed publications, including many at the top venues in NLP. He won a best paper award at ACL 2018. He has served as a Senior Area Chair and a Workshop Chair for top NLP conferences, and was a Program Chair of Canadian AI 2018. Alumni from his research group have taken faculty positions in academia and research positions in top industry labs.

Academic History

2021–current Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at McGill University  
2015–2021 Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science at McGill University  
2010–2014 Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Toronto Advisor: Gerald Penn
2008–2010 M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of Toronto Advisor: Gerald Penn
2004–2008 B.Sc. (Honours) in Computer Science, minors in Linguistics and German at the University of British Columbia Advisor: Giuseppe Carenini
Spring 2012 Internship in the NLP group, Microsoft Research Mentors: Lucy Vanderwende and Hoifung Poon
Summer 2011 Internship in the Speech Group, Microsoft Research Mentor: Xiao Li