Source code for prm.relationalschema

class ERClass():
[docs] ''' This abstract class serves as a container for the objects that contain attributes. These objects are either :class:`.Entity` classes or :class:`.Relationship` classes; each can contain :class:`.Attribute` classes which themselves have to know which container object they belong to. The :class:`Entity`/:class:`Relationship` classes inherit the :class:`ERClass` class. Therefore, an attribute can find the type of its container object by calling `self.erClass.type()` .. inheritance-diagram:: prm.relationalschema ''' def __init__(self): raise Exception("Abstract class ERClass can't be instantiated") def isEntity(self):
[docs] ''' Returns `True` if the type is `Entity` ''' return self.type() == 'Entity' def isRelationship(self):
[docs] ''' Returns `True` if the type is `Relationship` ''' return self.type() == 'Relationship' def isUncertainRelationship(self):
[docs] ''' Returns `True` if the type is `UncertainRelationship` ''' return self.type() == 'UncertainRelationship' def type(self):
[docs] ''' The type of an ERClass, either `Entity` or `Relationship` ''' return self.__class__.__name__ class Entity(ERClass):
[docs] ''' Represents an entity class in the relational schema. ''' def __init__(self, name): ''' Constructs an Entity class ''' """Unique name """ = [] """ The primary key is a list of :class:`.Attribute` objects of the entity. The pk is created automatically as a :class:`.NotProbabilisticAttribute` if not specified otherwise. It is stored as a list with just one item. """ self.pk_string = [] """ String representation of primary key """ self.attributes = None """ List that contains the :class:`.Attributes` references of the entity class """ self.relationships = {} """ List that contains the :class:`.Relationship` references that are connected to the entity. """ def __repr__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of the instance ''' return "Entity (%s), pk=%s"%(,[0].name) class Relationship(ERClass):
[docs] ''' An relationship class relates two entity classes ( implicitly using their primary keys as identifiers). Note the source of confusion, `Relationship` refers to the Entity-Relationship model; not to be confused with the probabilistic :class:`.Dependency` which is conceptually also a relationship ''' def __init__(self, name): ''' Constructs an Relationship instance ''' = name """Unique name """ = [] """ The primary key of a relationship class is usually specified by the set of foreign keys of connected entities. A relationship class has a primary key that consists of a list of :class:`ForeignAttribute` instances whose `target`'s are attributes of the connecting entities (usually their primary key attributes). """ self.pk_string = [] """List of string representation of `` """ self.foreign = {} """Dictionary represenation of `` where the key is an entity and the value a list of foreign attributes that belong to that entity, e.g. {key= :class:`.Entity` : value=[ :class:`.ForeignAttribute` , .. ]} """ self.entities = [] """List of :class:`Entities` connected to the relationship """ self.attributes = None """ A dictionary that contains the attributes references of the relationship class {key : Attribute name, value: :class:`.Attribute`} """ def __repr__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of the instance ''' return "Relationship (%s , pk=[%s], type=%s)"%(,",".join(['%s->%s'%(fa.fullname, for fa in]), self.relationType) class UncertainRelationship(Relationship):
[docs] ''' Reference uncertainty introduces uncertainty about the structure of the data itself, e.g. the entries of a relationship table of an ER diagram, and thus the state space of the Markov Chain increases considerably. We associate a binary `exist` variable with every possible entry in uncertain relationship tables. As the number of `exist' attributes grows exponentially with the size of the tables, inference becomes intractable. We avoid the explosion of the state space by introducing a `constraint` attribute that enforces certain structural properties, e.g. a *1:n* relationship. However, this results in complex probabilistic dependencies among the `exist` objects. A more involved Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is required that samples `exist` objects using an appropriate proposal distribution. A proposal is an assignment to all `exist` objects associated with one `constraint` object, which allows us to introduce probabilistic dependencies that would not be allowed in a traditional PRM. ''' def __init__(self, name, nTok, k): Relationship.__init__(self, name) self.existAttribute = None '''The exist attribute of type :class:`.ExistAttribute`. ''' self.nTok = nTok """ Boolean. The type of an relationship is `n:k` (=True) or `k:n` (=False). If a type is specified it is assumed that it describes the relation between the first two primary keys in :attr:`.pk`. """ self.k = int(k) """ The value `uncertain` is the fixed-parameter `ntoK` in the `k` in the `n:k` relationship type. This parameter serves as a fixed-parameter tractability approach, for more information see the documentation. """ self.nEnitity = None ''' Reference to the :class:`.Enitity` that is on the `n`-side of the relationship ''' self.kEnitity = None ''' Reference to the :class:`.Enitity` that is on the `k`-side of the relationship ''' def __repr__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of the instance ''' return "UncertainRelationship (%s , pk=[%s], nTok=%s, k=%s)"%(,",".join(['%s->%s'%(fa.fullname, for fa in]), self.nTok,self.k)