Source code for prm.dependency

[docs]class Dependency(): ''' A dependency represents a probabilistic dependency between two :class:`.Attribute` classes, the `child` and the `parent` attribute. ''' def __init__(self, name, parent, child, constraint, aggregator, attributes): ''' Constructs a dependency between two attributes. 'attributes' is a dictionary with all instantiated attributes which is needed to extract the slotchain from a 'constraint' passed as string ''' '''Unique name of the dependency ''' self.parent = parent '''The `parent` is an :class:`.Attribute` instance ''' self.child = child '''The `child` :class:`.Attribute` instance is the dependent variable. ''' self.constraint = constraint '''The `constraint` of a dependency defines how the attribute objects in the relational skeleton are connected. Introduced by Heckerman et al. in the `DAPER` model, the concept of a constraint is a generalized version of the `slotchain` introduced by Getoor et al. ''' self.aggregator = aggregator ''' Aggregation is necessary when a dependency is of type `1:n` or `m:n` as there will be multiple parent objects mapping to a child object's CPD that has only one parameter for this parent attribute. Aggregation can be any function :math:`f(pa1,pa2,...) = pa_{aggr}` , see :mod:`data.aggregation` ''' self.slotchain = [] ''' Even though the probabilistic dependency uses the `constraint` when specifying a PRM model, often the `constraint` results in the traditional slotchain, the 'path' through the relational schema that links the parent and child attribute via a list of entities and relationships, connected by foreign keys. The elements in the list `slotchain` are interchangeably [..., :class:`.Entity`, :class:`.Relationship`, :class:`.Entity`,... ] ''' self.slotchain_string = [] ''' List containing the string representation (e.g. `Professor`, `advisor`) of the slotchain entities/relationships ''' self.slotchain_attr_string = [] ''' List of the string represenation of the attributes that define the slotchain, e.g. `Professor.professor_id=advisor.professor_id` ''' self.slotchain_erclass_exclusive = {} ''' Special Dictionary representation of the slotchain. The key is an Entity, and the value is basically `self.slotchain_attr_string` without all entries that contain the key entity {key = :class:`.ERClass` : value = list of string constraints }. ''' #we compute the slotchain associated with this dependency in case no constraint has been defined. Otherwise we extract the slotchain from the constraint if self.constraint is None: self.computeSlotChain() else: # since the constraint is a string, the methods needs access to all attributes self.configureConstraint(attributes)
[docs] def configureConstraint(self,attributes): """ If a constraint has been defined in the specification, e.g. in the following form:: self.constraint = "...,e1.a1=r1.a2,r1.a3,e2.a4,..." where `e1`, `e2` are of type :class:`.Entity`, `r1` of type :class:`.Relationship` and `a1`, `a2`, `a3`, `a4` are of type :class:`.Attribute`. From this string `slotchain`, `slotchain_string` and `slotchain_attr_string` can be extracted. In case no constraint has been specified, :meth:`.computeSlotChain` is called to compute a traditional `slotchain`. :arg attributes: All :class:`.Attribute` instances in the model """ if self.constraint is None: raise Exception('Constraint for %s is None' def addToSlotchain(er): if er not in self.slotchain: self.slotchain.append(er) slotchain_attr_temp = [t.strip() for t in self.constraint.split(',')] for sl_attr in slotchain_attr_temp: #extract from attribute and to attribute (fromA_str,toA_str) = sl_attr.split('=') fromA = attributes[fromA_str] toA = attributes[toA_str] addToSlotchain(fromA.erClass) addToSlotchain(toA.erClass) const_str = '%s=%s'%(fromA.fullname,toA.fullname) self.slotchain_attr_string.append(const_str) # configuring self.slotchain_erclass_exclusive for er in self.slotchain: self.slotchain_erclass_exclusive[er] = [] for const_str in self.slotchain_attr_string: (fromA_str,toA_str) = const_str.split('=') fromA = attributes[fromA_str] toA = attributes[toA_str] if fromA.erClass != er and toA.erClass != er: self.slotchain_erclass_exclusive[er].append(const_str) #print self.slotchain_attr_string self.slotchain_string = [ for er in self.slotchain]
[docs] def computeSlotChain(self): ''' The SlotChain is computed via a depth first search algorithm. As there can't be loops in the relational schema, we can return the first path that we encounter. Note that when the model doesn't load, it is usually because of the infinite loop that only quits when a slot chain was found. So far that always resulted from an error in the specification and not in the code... Another disadvantage is that there could be multiple paths in the same schema. In fact you could define a different dependency for each different path. This method uses the first path that is found as the slotchain. ''' pathFound = False tempSCs = [[self.child.erClass]] #inner object dependency if self.child.erClass == self.parent.erClass: pathFound = True self.slotchain = [self.child.erClass] else: # if the dep is not within one entity/relationship print 'WARNING. No slotchain specified for %s. It will be computed by a depth-first-search, however it is advised to specify it in the model'%( #slot chain over multiple erClasses while not pathFound: tempCSsCopy = tempSCs[:] tempSCs = [] for sc in tempCSsCopy: if sc[-1].type() == 'Entity': for ass in sc[-1].relationships.values(): if ass not in sc: newSC = sc[:] newSC.append(ass) tempSCs.append(newSC) else: #Relationship for ent in sc[-1].entities: if ent not in sc: newSC = sc[:] newSC.append(ent) tempSCs.append(newSC) for sc in tempSCs: if self.parent.erClass in sc: pathFound = True self.slotchain = sc #The slotchain is now stored in self.slotchain self.slotchain_string = [ for er in self.slotchain] #print 'self.slotchain: ', self.slotchain #print 'self.slotchain_string: ',self.slotchain_string # In a slotchain, an Entity is always followed by a Relationship and vice versa for i in range(0,len(self.slotchain)-1): currentER = self.slotchain[i] nextER = self.slotchain[i+1] attrs = None if currentER.isEntity(): attrs = nextER.foreign[currentER] else: #currentER is a relationship attrs = currentER.foreign[nextER] #attrs is a list (in case an relatioship has two foreign keys from the same entity) tempKey = [] for attr in attrs: targetAttr = tempKey.append('%s=%s'%(attr.fullname,targetAttr.fullname)) tempKey_string = tempKey[0] if len(tempKey) != 1: tempKey_string = '(%s)'%' OR '.join(tempKey) self.slotchain_attr_string.append(tempKey_string) #print 'self.slotchain_attr_string: ',self.slotchain_attr_string #print "SlotChain for %s from %s to %s"%(,self.child.fullname,self.parent.fullname) #print self.slotchainToString()
[docs] def slotchainToString(self): """ :returns: String representation of `slotchain` """ st = '' for er in self.slotchain: st += '<-'+str( return st[2:]
@property def uncertain(self): return False def __repr__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of a dependency ''' return "Dependency (%s, Parent=%s, Child=%s SlotChain:%s)"%(, self.parent.fullname,self.child.fullname,self.slotchainToString())
[docs]class UncertainDependency(Dependency): ''' Reference uncertainty introduces uncertainty about the structure of the data itself, e.g. the entries of a relationship table of an ER diagram, and thus the state space of the Markov Chain increases considerably. We associate a binary `exist` variable with every possible entry in uncertain relationship tables. As the number of `exist' attributes grows exponentially with the size of the tables, inference becomes intractable. We avoid the explosion of the state space by introducing a `constraint` attribute that enforces certain structural properties, e.g. a *1:n* relationship. However, this results in complex probabilistic dependencies among the `exist` objects. A more involved Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is required that samples `exist` objects using an appropriate proposal distribution. A proposal is an assignment to all `exist` objects associated with one `constraint` object, which allows us to introduce probabilistic dependencies that would not be allowed in a traditional PRM. ''' def __init__(self, name, parent, child, constraint, aggregator,attributes): ''' 'attributes' is a dictionary with all instantiated attributes which is needed to extract the slotchain from a 'constraint' passed as string ''' Dependency.__init__(self, name, parent, child, constraint, aggregator,attributes) self.uncertainRelationship = None """ If :attr:`.uncertainRelationship` is `True`, then `uncertainRelationship` will point to the uncertain relationship :class:`.UncertainRelationship` """ self.nAttribute = None ''' Reference to the :class:`.Attribute`, i.e. a foreign key in an entity instance, that is on the `n`-side of the relationship. It is either the parent or the child. ''' self.kAttribute = None ''' Reference to the :class:`.Attribute`, i.e. a foreign key in an entity instance, that is on the `k`-side of the relationship. It is either the parent or the child. ''' self.nIsParent = None ''' Is `True` if `self.nAttribute` and `self.parent` refer to the same attribute instance ''' @property def uncertain(self): return True def __repr__(self): ''' Returns a string representation of a dependency ''' return "UncertainDependency (%s, Parent=%s, Child=%s SlotChain:%s,Uncertain Relationship:%s)"%(, self.parent.fullname,self.child.fullname,self.slotchainToString(),