Source code for

An implementation of a Metropolis Hastings within Gibbs algorithm. 

The random walk samples the full conditional distributions for normal :class:`.GBNvertex` instances (i.e. Gibbs sampling) and uses a Metropolis within Gibbs step to sample :class:`.ReferenceVertex` instances.

    See :ref:`References<references>` for more details

import logging

import numpy as N
import random 

from network.vertices import ReferenceVertex

from inference.mcmc.likelihood import Likelihood
from inference.mcmc import posterior

from analytics.performance import time_analysis

# CHAINS = 1
'''Number of chains to be run

# BURNIN = 100
'''Number of burn in samples 

# ITER = 4
#ITER = 30000
ITER = 1000
'''Number of samples to collect

from inference import engine 
'''The engine module contains the :class:`.GBNgraph` instance

#the likelihood functions for all attributes
likelihoods = {}
Dictionary of likelihood functions that are precomputed when the sampler is configured using :meth:`inference.mcmc.configure`

    { key = :class:`.Attribute` instance : value =  :class:`.Likelihood` of attribute }

[docs]def run(): ''' Sequentally runs :attr:`CHAINS` MCMC runs, the posterior samples are stored in :attr:`.posterior.samples`. ''' # reset collected samples posterior.samples = {} chain = 'chain_' for c in range(CHAINS): init(chainID = '%s%s'%(chain,c))'Chain %s, Running Metropolis Hastings sampler (%s iterations)'%((c+1),ITER)) runChain()
@time_analysis def runChain(): ''' Generates posterior samples for the event variables. After :attr:`BURNIN` are sampled, :attr:`ITER` samples are collected and stored in :attr:`posterior.currentchain` using :meth:`collectSamples`. The initial state of the markov chain has to set in order to run a chain, see :meth:``. ''' #BURNIN phase for i in range(BURNIN): mcmcStep() #Collecting samples for i in range(ITER): #"Step %d"%(i+1)) mcmcStep() posterior.collectSamples(i) # @time_analysis
[docs]def mcmcStep(): ''' Performs a MCMC sampling step, either a Gibbs step or a Metropolis Hastings. In case of :class:`.GBNvertex` instances we use Gibbs sampling and for :class:`.ReferenceVertex` instances we use a Metropolis within Gibbs step. Note that we can exploit the conditional independence by `Lazy Aggregation`. When sampling all event vertices of a certain attribute, we need to perform the (potential aggregation) on the parent vertices only once (see references). ''' # Sampling every sampling vertex in the GBN for gbnV in engine.GBN.samplingVertices.values(): # If the vertex is a reference vertex, we apply a MH step if isinstance(gbnV,ReferenceVertex): mhStep(gbnV) # If the vertex is a normal vertex, we apply a Gibbs step else: gibbsStep(gbnV) # for attrS,gbnVs in engine.GBN.samplingVerticesByAttribute.items(): # for gbnV in gbnVs: # for dep in attrS.dependenciesParent: # attrC = dep.child # if attrC in engine.GBN.allByAttribute: # for gbnV in engine.GBN.allByAttribute[attrC]: # gbnV.parentAssignments() # for gbnV in engine.GBN.samplingVerticesByAttribute[attrS]: # gbnV.parentAssignments() # #we sample new state # gbnV.value = gibbsStep(gbnV)
@time_analysis def mhStep(gbnV): ''' Performs a Metropolis Hastings step on the :class:`ReferenceVertex` argument. :arg gbnV: :class:`ReferenceVertex` instance ''' ''' for now, we assume k=1 ''' # the first and only reference, e.g. Professor.1 (k=1) old = gbnV.references.values()[0] # select a new proposal new = random.choice(engine.GBN.allByAttribute[gbnV.dependency.kAttribute]) # the row indices of the CPD entries for the parent assignments #'gbnV = %s'%gbnV.ID) #'gbnV.parentAssignments(old) = %s'%gbnV.parentAssignments(old)) #'old parentIndex = %s'%gbnV.attr.CPD.indexRow(gbnV.parentAssignments(old))) #'gbnV.parentAssignments(new) = %s'%gbnV.parentAssignments(new)) #'new parentIndex = %s'%gbnV.attr.CPD.indexRow(gbnV.parentAssignments(new))) old_pa = gbnV.attr.CPD.indexRow(gbnV.parentAssignments(old)) new_pa = gbnV.attr.CPD.indexRow(gbnV.parentAssignments(new)) # extract the probabilities from the CPD to calculate tha acceptance probability p_old0 = gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[old_pa,0] p_new1 = gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[new_pa,1] p_old1 = gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[old_pa,1] p_new0 = gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[new_pa,0] # acceptance probability alpha = p_old0*p_new1/(p_old1*p_new0) #'Old prop.: %s\nNew prop: %s'%(old.ID,new.ID)) #'\t\t%s * %s'%(p_old0,p_new1)) #'alpha= ----------------------= %s'%alpha) #'\t\t%s * %s'%(p_old1,p_new0)) # uniform between 0 and 1 u = N.random.uniform() # check whether to accept the proposal if u <= alpha: gbnV.replaceReference(gbnV_new=new,gbnV_old=old) #'Accepted new proposal') # else: #'Rejected new proposal') @time_analysis def gibbsStep(gbnV): ''' Computes a random sample distributed according to the sampling distribution - e.g. the full conditional distribution in case of a Gibbs sampler - of the attribute class of `gbnV`. :arg gbnV: :class:`GBNvertex` instance ''' cumFC = None #TODO AVOID CREATING NEW LISTS NUMPY.ARRAYS WITH EVERY ITERATION. fc = N.ones((1,gbnV.attr.cardinality)) #fcLog = N.zeros((1,gbnV.attr.cardinality)) # PARENTS assignment gbnV.parentAssignments() ri = gbnV.attr.CPD.indexRow(gbnV.parentAss) #The local distribution factor of the full conditional fc = fc * gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[ri,:] # fcLog += gbnV.attr.CPD.cpdLogMatrix[ri,:] # print 'Sample Full Conditional for %s'%gbnV.ID # print 'paAss:',gbnV.parentAss # print 'index:',ri # print 'reverse:',gbnV.attr.CPD.reverseIndexRow(ri) # print 'Prior FC :' # print fc # print N.exp(fcLog) / N.exp(fcLog).sum(axis=1) ''' CHILDREN likelihoods ''' for (a,gbnVs) in gbnV.children.items(): for childV in gbnVs.values(): #the conditional likelihood function clf = likelihoods[a][gbnV.attr] #the assignment of conditional variables condAss = [childV.value] #TODO DANGEROUS , ONLY VALID FOR BLOCK GIBBS childV.parentAssignments() # print 'childV.parentAss',childV.parentAss # print 'childV.parents',childV.parents condAss.extend(clf.conditionalAssignment(childV.parentAss[:])) #the row index of the conditional variables assignment condAss # print '%s : condAss=%s'%(childV.ID,condAss) li = clf.indexRow(condAss) #prob lik = clf.likMatrix[li,:] fc = fc * lik #normalize for stability # fc = fc / fc.sum(axis=1) # prob # print 'LH for %s (conditional Assign. is %s)'%(childV,condAss) # print lik # print 'Updated Full conditional' # print fc # print fc / fc.sum(axis=1) #logprob ''' likLog = clf.likLogMatrix[li,:] fcLog += likLog ''' # logprob # print 'LH for %s (conditional Assign. is %s)'%(childV,condAss) # print N.exp(likLog) # print 'Updated Full conditional' # print fcLog # print N.exp(fcLog) # print N.exp(fcLog) / N.exp(fcLog).sum(axis=1) #prob #Normalize fc = fc / fc.sum(axis=1) #Compute cumulative dist cumFC = fc.cumsum(axis=1) ''' #logprob #print fcLog fcLog = N.exp(fcLog) #Normalize fcLog = fcLog / fcLog.sum(axis=1) #Compute cumulative dist cumLogFC = fcLog.cumsum(axis=1) ''' ''' print 'Children Values:' for (a,gbnVs) in gbnV.children.items(): if len(gbnVs)!=0: print '%s: ',[c.value for c in gbnVs.values()] ''' ''' print 'Normalized FC for %s'%gbnV print fcLog print 'Cumulative FC for %s'%gbnV print cumLogFC ''' ''' print 'Normalized FC for %s'%gbnV print fc print 'Cumulative FC for %s'%gbnV print cumFC ''' ''' SAMPLING ''' u = N.random.uniform() # prob cumFC[0,:] for i,cumprop in enumerate(cumFC[0,:]): if u <= cumprop: gbnV.value = gbnV.attr.domain[i] # return! return ''' # logprob print 'Full conditional', cumLogFC for i,cumprop in enumerate(cumLogFC[0,:]): if u <= cumprop: gbnV.value = gbnV.attr.domain[i] '''
[docs]def init(chainID='standardChain'): ''' Inintializes a `MCMC` run given a Ground Bayesian Network and a set of event variables. The initial state of the markov chain is sampled using :meth:`.initializeVertices`. :arg currentGBN: :class:`GBNgraph` instance :arg chainID: Sting identification of the current run. Optional (default='standardChain'). Running more than one chain requires different chain ids ''' # posterior event samples # posterior.initChain(chainID,ITER,engine.GBN.eventVertices) # posterior sampling samples posterior.initChain(chainID,ITER) #init vertices initializeVertices()
[docs]def initializeVertices(): ''' Creates an initial state for the markov chain by assigning a value to all sampling vertices ''' for gbnV in engine.GBN.samplingVertices.values(): # Reference vertex if isinstance(gbnV,ReferenceVertex): # remove all ref gbnV.removeAllReferences() kGBNv = random.choice(engine.GBN.allByAttribute[gbnV.dependency.kAttribute]) gbnV.addReference(kGBNv) # If the vertex is a normal vertex, we apply a Gibbs step else: gbnV.value = random.choice(gbnV.attr.domain)
[docs]def configure(): ''' Configuring an inference algorithm allow the algorithm to precompute as much information as possible before making inference. In the case of Gibbs sampling, all the conditional likelihood functions, of type :class:`.Likelihood`, for the probabilistic attributes can be precomputed. ''' import prm.prm as PRM for attr in PRM.attributes.values(): if attr.probabilistic and len(attr.parents) != 0: if attr.CPD is None: raise Exception('ERROR: No CPD for attribute %s'%attr.fullname) #'Likelihood for %s (Pa: %s)'%(,' , '.join([ for pa in attr.parents]))) likelihoods[attr] = Likelihood(attr.CPD) #iterating all possible parent assignments (CPD rows) for i in range(attr.CPD.cpdMatrixDim[0]): #extracting the parent assignment of the current row paAss = attr.CPD.reverseIndexRow(i) #print 'paAss',paAss #iterating over all CLF that need to be computed for ip in range(len(attr.parents)): #the CLF of the current parent attribute clf = likelihoods[attr][attr.parents[ip]] #assigning the index of the likelihood attribute in the parents list of the attributes clf.likIndex = ip #determine assignment of conditional variables of the CLF that are also parent attributes condAssPa = clf.conditionalAssignment(paAss[:]) #the assignment of the likelihood attribute likAss = paAss[ip] #logging.debug(clf) #logging.debug('condAssPa %s'%condAssPa) #iterating over all possible values of the CPD attribute domain for j in range(attr.cardinality): # the order of the condintional assignments is [a, pa_1,...,pa_(ip-1),pa_(ip+1),...,pa_n] condAss = [attr.domain[j]] condAss.extend(condAssPa) #print 'condAss',condAss #extrating the row and column of the CLF for the current condAss and likAss configuration likRowIndex = clf.indexRow(condAss) likColumnIndex = attr.parents[ip].indexingValue(likAss) #setting the probability and log prob values clf.likMatrix[likRowIndex,likColumnIndex] = attr.CPD.cpdMatrix[i,j] clf.likLogMatrix[likRowIndex,likColumnIndex] = attr.CPD.cpdLogMatrix[i,j]