Source code for data.utils

A module containing utils for handling data.


[docs]class Discretizer: ''' :class:`.Discretizer` can be used to discretize continuous data. `self.bins` is a list of values starting with the smallest possible value and ending with the largest possible value. All intervals in between are bins, e.g. when `discretize(self,value)` is called the index of the bin that `value` falls in is returned. ''' def __init__(self, bins): ''' bins : array of ''' self.bins = bins self.bins_str = ['%s-%s'%(bins[i],bins[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(bins)-1)] def discretize(self,value): ind = None if value < self.bins[0]: raise Exception('Value %s out of bins range %s'%(value,self.bins[0])) for i,b in enumerate(self.bins): if value <= b: return i if ind is None: #if no value has been returned raise Exception('Value %s out of bins range %s'%(value,self.bins[-1])) else: return ind