CS566A: Class Presentations (Fall 2005)

Please email Conor at cmeagh1(at)cs.mcgill.ca if you find any errors or have questions.

Important: Presentations will be held: Nov. 22, 24 and 29. Each presentation is for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions. Your topic should be registered with Conor (email is OK: cmeagh1 AT cs.mcgill.ca) by November 10. Give him your source document title, authors, journal name or URL.
Deadline for receiving all written material: Friday, Dec 2 at noon in Prof. Avis' mail box in McConnell 318

November 22nd

(1) Nicolas Sonnerat

	Paper: Inferring strengths of protein-protein interactions from 
	experimental data using linear programming
	Authors: Morihiro Hayashida, Nobuhisa Ueda, Tatsuya Akutsu 
	Journal: Bioinformatics, Vol. 19 Suppl. 2, 2003 
	Paper Online: here

(2) Chahe Adourian

	Paper: Integer Programming Duality in Multiple Objective Programming
	Authors: Kathrin Klamroth, Jorgen Tind, Sibylle Zust
	Paper Online: here

(3) Rohan Shah

	Paper: A Tutorial on Support Vector Regression 
	Authors: Alex J. Smola, Bernhard Scholkop 
	Journal: NeuroCOLT2 Technical Report Series, October 1998
	Paper Online: here

November 24th

(1) Punit Agrawal

	Paper: Constraint Programming and Hybrid Formulations for Three Life Designs
	Authors: Robert Bosch and Micheal Trick
	Journal: CP-AI-OR 2002 
	Paper Online: here 

(2) Frederic Thouin

	Paper: Choosing Replica Placement Heuristics for Wide-Area System
	Authors: Magnus Karlsson and Christos Karamanolis
	Journal: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'04)
	Paper Online: here 

(3) Alessandro Novorn

	Paper: A Survey of Mathematical Programming Applications in Integrated Steel Plants
	Authors: Goutam Dutta and Robert Fourer 
	Journal: Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol 3, No. 4, Fall 2001, pp. 387-400
	Paper Online: here

November 29th

(1) Natalie Stoianov

	Paper: Bidding and Allocation in Combinatorial Auctions
	Authors: Noam Nisan
	Journal: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
	Paper Online: here

(2) Robert Vincent

	Paper: Spacecraft trajectory planning with avoidance constraints using mixed-integer linear programming
	Authors: Richards, A., Schouwenaars T., How, J., and Feron, E.
	Journal: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 25(4) 755-764
	Paper Online: 

(3) Philippe Suter

	Paper: Aggregation and Mixed Integer Rounding to Solve MIPs 
	Authors: Hugues Marchand and Laurence A. Wolsey 
	Paper Online: here

(4) Xi Li

	Paper: Inference methods for a pseudo-Boolean satisfiability solver
	Authors: Heidi E. Dixon and Matthew L. Ginsberg
	Journal: The Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2002)
	Paper Online: here 

Last update: November 12th, 2005