LFMTP'07 continues the International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages (LFM) and merges it with the workshop on MEchanized Reasoning about Languages with variable BInding (MERλIN). A first version of LFMTP was held at FLOC'06.. This workshop is continuing the series of logical frameworks and meta-languages, which started in 1999.
LFM'00 was held in Santa Barbara, USA, affiliated with LICS (IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science), and organized by Joelle Despeyroux (INRIA). LFM'02 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, affiliated with LICS (IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science) and FLOC'02 and was organized by Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University). LFM'04 was held in Cork, Ireland, affiliated with IJCAR (International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning) and organized by Carsten Schürmann (Yale University)
MERλIN 2003 was held in Uppsala University, Sweden, August 26, 2003, and was associated with the federation meeting Principles, Logics and Implementations of high-level programming languages (PLI 2003), 25 to 29 August 2003. It was organized by Alberto Momigliano (then at University of Leicester, UK) and Marino Miculan (University of Udine, Italy). MERλIN 2005 was held in Talinn, Estonia, 30 September 2005, in connection with ICFP (International Conference on Functional Programming). It was organized by Alberto Momigliano (University of Edinburgh), Ivan Scagnetto (Universiy of Udine), and Alwen Tiu (INRIA Lorraine).
bp@cs.mcgill.ca |