Call for Posters
WINE 2016 will feature a poster session for the presentation of results published elsewhere in the past 12 months or work in progress that are relevant to the WINE community. Each presenter will also be given the opportunity to give a lightning talk of 2-3 minutes about the contribution.
The poster session will take place on the evening of Monday, December 12, 2016, following the general meeting of the conference.
Poster submissions should include:
- title of the work
- 1-2 paragraph abstract
- author names
Note that for the submission it is not required to submit the poster itself. Please list the presenter as contact author. The presenter must register for WINE 2016.
For work that has been published or accepted elsewhere, the abstract should include a link to the original publication and mention the venue and the date of the publication. For unpublished papers, please link to the web page of the paper. Posters are non-archival. They will not appear in the WINE 2016 proceedings. Thus, authors are free to submit already-published work.
Each registered participant can submit at most one poster. Poster submissions are reviewed for relevance. If the number of poster submissions exceeds capacity, priority will be given to students and postdocs.
Poster Preparation
Each poster presenter will be allocated a poster board of size 231cm (91") wide by 114cm (45") high. Presenters should ensure that their poster(s) fit into this space. Pushpins for attaching posters to the poster board will be provided.
Important Dates
- Poster submission deadline: Friday, October 21, 2016, 11:59pm anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
- Author notification: Friday, October 28, 2016
Submission Link
Please submit the requested information electronically through the submission server.