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Before 1913

  The Rexford and Judd family cemetery still exists in the form of old gravestones in what we, the Howards, knew as the Old Orchard more or less on top of the hill on the North boundary of the South Farm.

(My father planted THE orchard across the road from the Farm House which was also the location of the vegetable and small fruit gardens AND Mother's Rose garden. There was an old shed by the road side which served splendidly for implements. In 1927 the New Orchard was planted on the hill behind the site for the new house and, in 1930, Mother's Rose garden was moved to in front of the house. There was a charming sun-dial in the center.)

Benjamin Rexford came up from Connecticut in 1795 and settled on Lot 4, 16 Range, Hatley Township. He died in 1845. Hawkins Judd, son of Ebinezer and his wife Mary, also migrated from Watertown, Conn. to Hatley Township at about the same time. Benjamin's two grandsons Russell and Rice, inherited and divided the farm into two --160 acres each--: the North farm and the South Farm. Russell sold his half in 1901; i.e.: the South Farm.

I think I got most of the above from Marjorie Scott but some of it may have come from R. P. Jellett's book on The Hermitage Club, copy of which was lent me by Jack Racey. R.P.J. quoted the History of St. Patrick's Parish a lot but also included other quite interesting stuff.

When Daddy bought the South Farm the owners of the North Farm were the Robinsons. They sold to the Donalds. (Mr. Donald played either a fiddle or a squeeze-box and always called the steps at the barn dances my father organized annually after the big barn was built.) Mr. Howard Murray bought out the Donalds. The house burned down in the 1970s.

Daddy called the property AGWANIS meaning in the Abenaki Indian dialect ``The Landing Place''. In winter the road across the Lake from Bryant's Landing was marked by cedar trees stuck in the ice.

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Thu Jun 5 08:39:07 EDT 1997