.NET Framework 2.0 - 4.0 is required to run the application. Windows Vista
and Windows 7 come with .NET Framework 3.0 and 3.5 automatically, but in case if
you are using earlier version of Windows and you cannot run iBMSC at all ...
I apologize for not updating anything during more than 4 months ... But
starting from version 3.x, iBMSC is no longer specialized for o2mania but is
aiming to support all rhythm games.
Many thanks to hitkey, who has provided me a very detailed specification
about bms format in general, and without whom I can never do this much.
many thanks to Nekokan, who has
created a Japanese locale and provided a iBMSC theme for Feeling PoMu.
This is probably the biggest update I have ever made to iBMSC, at least up
until now. I added a main menu, support for non-quadruple measure, support for
LnObj, etc., and most importantly, I have rewritten more than half of the entire
code for optimization after I have started my university life and have really
learned some stuff in programming.
As a result of that, most files from previous versions of iBMSC will not be
compatible will not compatible with iBMSC 3.0, including all *.cff, *.th, *.lol,
*.ibmsc files. You don't have to worry about most of them, but you might need to
reconfigure the program as it will not be automatically imported.