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Pattern Recognition

This is one course I didn't take in my undergrad, and basically ran away from it! But now, this is a course that I enjoy most. Rafa and I are currently developing an online tutorial for the Freeman Chain Coding algorithm, accompanied by a demonstration applet. The applet is still being actively worked on, but parts of it are ready. Follow the links below to see the tutorial.

-Class Talk-


: Device control using gestures recognized from EMG

: This paper covers some work done at the NASA AMES research center. The author, Dr. Kevin Wheeler is the director of the EHS ( Extension of Huamn Senses) group. I really liked the applications. The pattern recognition engine is based on HMMs, with k-means clustering used for training. I used an overhead with transparencies for this, no powerpoint. I have the pdf file of the slides I used. Click on the link above to get that. You could also check out the NASA AMES website.





: A short tutorial on Freeman Chain Coding