Introduction to AI (COMP-424)
Winter 2013

General Information

Where: MacDonald Engineering (ENGMD), room 280.

When: Monday and Wednesday, 2:35-3:55pm.

What: We will cover selected topics in Artificial Intelligence. We will study modern techniques for computers to make good (in some cases optimal) decisions that are applicable throughout an enormous range of industrial, civil, medical, financial, robotic and information systems. We will not attempt to cover the entire range of AI sub-areas in detail, but will survey several key themes.


Doina Precup
School of Computer Science
Office: McConnell Engineering building, room 111N (left from elevators)
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9:00-10:00am (subject to change until January 15). Meetings at other times by appointment only
Phone: (514) 398-6443

Teaching assistants

Gheorghe Comanici, Ouais AlSharif and Philip Bachman.

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