CS566A: Class Presentations (Fall 2008)
Please email Conor at cmeagh1(at)cs.mcgill.ca if you find any errors or have questions.
Presentations will be held:
Each presentation is for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions.
Your topic should be registered with Conor (email is OK: cmeagh1 AT cs.mcgill.ca) by November 11.
Give him your source document title, authors, journal name or URL.
Deadline for receiving all written material: Dec 1st to Conor MC 232
(1) Parya Mamayyez Siahkal
Title: Optimization of Radiosurgery Treatment Planning via Mixed Integer Programming Authors: Eva K. Lee, Tim Fox, and Ian Crocker Journal: Med. Phys. Volume 27, Issue 5, pp. 995-1004 (May 2000) Paper Online: here
(2) Peter Ochodo
Title: The Integrated Production and Transportation Scheduling Problem for a Product with a Short Lifespan Authors: H. Neil Geismar, Gilbert Laporte, Lei Lei and Chelliah Sriskandarajah Journal: INFORMS Journal on Computing Vol. 20, No. 1, Winter 2008, pp. 2133 Paper Online: here
(3) Anton Dubrau
Title: New 3/4 Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability Problem Authors: Goemans and Williamson Journal: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics - Volume 7 (1994) Paper Online: here(4) Han Uk Yoo
Title: Authors: Journal: Paper Online: here
(1) John Lincoln White
Title: Discrete optimization in public rail transport Authors: MR Bussieck, T Winter and UT Zimmermann Journal: Mathematical Programming 79 (1997), pp. 415-444 Paper Online: here
(2) Mohamad Chakroun
Title: Optimal Routing for efficient Internet Networks Authors: Walid Ben Ameur, Nawal Bourquia, Eric Gourdin, Pierre Tolla Journal: Universal Multiservice Networks, 2002. ECUMN 2002. 2nd European Conference on Paper Online: here
(3) Saied Samiedaluie
Title: Optimal Vendor Selection in a Multi-product Supply Chain with Truckload Discounts Authors: Theodore S. Glickmana and Susan C. White Journal: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Paper Online: here(4) Zhe Tian
Title: Protein threading by linear programming Authors: J. Xu, M. Li, G. Lin, D. Kim, Y. Xu Journal: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 8:264-275(2003) Paper Online: here
(1) Theresa Deering
Title: A game theory based exit selection model for evacuation Authors: S.M. Lo, H.C. Huang, P. Wang, K.K. Yuen Journal: Fire Safety Journal Volume 41, Issue 5, July 2006, Pages 364-369 Paper Online: here
(2) Mohamed Konate
Title: Sensor Location through Linear Programming with Triangle Inequality Constraints Authors: Camillo Gentile Journal: Communications, 2005. ICC 2005. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Paper Online: here
(3) Mazen Al Borno
Title: Stable Reduction to KKT Systems in Barrier Methods for Linear and Quadratic Programming Authors: Saunders and Tomlin Journal: - Paper Online: here(4) Fransisco Albor Consuegra
Title: Generalized Multiperiod MIP Model for Production Scheduling and Processing Facilities Selection and Location Authors: R.W. Barbaro and R.V. Ramani Journal: - Paper Online: here
(1) Keith Dahlman
Title: Solving the Rectangular assignment problem and applications Authors: A. Volgenant and J. Bijsterbosch Journal: - Paper Online: here
(2) Galina Lobanova
Title: A mixed integer programming model for multiple stage adaptive testing Authors: Jennifer Edmonds, Ronald Armstrong Journal: European Journal of Operational Research Paper Online: here
(3) Victor Vidal-Aguilar
Title: Optimization models for scheduling ore and waste production in open pit mines Authors: S. Tan and R.V. Ramani Journal: 23rd APCOM Proceedings Paper Online: here(4) Yann Boulanger
Title: Bid Optimization for Internet Graphical Ad Auction Systems via Special Ordered Sets Authors: Ralphe Wiggins and John A. Tomlin Journal: Yahoo! Research - Technical Report YR-2007-004 Paper Online: here
Last update: October 21st, 2008