RAM CMS Case Study

In order to show that the RAM approach can handle the modeling of an application of considerable size, we applied our approach to the design of a car crash crisis management system. In particular, we designed the “create mission” functionality of the server backend, i.e. of the application that runs at the crisis management center.

The create mission functionality provided by the backend is triggered in the following context: for every crisis, at least one super observer, an expert in car crashes, is assigned to the scene to observe the emergency situation and identify the tasks necessary to cope with the crisis. These tasks are called missions. The super observer sends his mission requests to the backend, which has to allocate suitable resources (humans, vehicles, etc...) to fulfill the mission. Once appropriate resources have been determined, the involved workers have to be contacted to send them their mission assignment.

We decomposed the functionality into 23 inter-dependent aspect models. A diagram representing the dependency relationships between the aspects is shown below.

Click here to download a ZIP file of the individual RAM aspect models.

To see the list of publications on RAM, click here.

Last modified: November 23, 2015, Jörg Kienzle