! TSP = Travelling Salesman Problem

! The idea is to visit a set of N cities once and once only

! and return to the starting city.


! This program generates all possible combinations of tours

! with no duplicates. Then it finds the cost of doing the tour

! in either direction in case the cost matrix is not symmetric.


! The algorithm uses a N x N matrix (actually half of it) to generate

! and store cities not visited so far. This is equivalent to generating

! the complete tree of tours and then traversing the tree in order.


! Programmed in FORTRAN 90 (ELF90 from Lahey - check www.lahey.com)

! Copyright Gerald Ratzer, February 1999


! Approximate timing on 366MHz Pentium II

! 11 city tour - 20 seconds - 3,628,800 tours

! 12 city tour - 250 seconds - 39,916,800 tours

! 13 city tour - 53 minutes - 479,001,600 tours

! 14 city tour - 12 hours - 6.22 billion tours


! 20 city tour - over 25,000 years (estimated of course!)

program tspn

implicit none

integer :: i,j,k,m,n,ntours

integer :: cost(20,20),city(20,20)

integer :: visit(21),tour(21),best(21)

integer :: cost1,cost2,mincost

real:: notours,nobest


write(*,*) 'This is Program >> TSPN - Travelling Salesman'

write(*,*) 'General Program for TSP tours of size N'

! READ IN cost matrix size

read (*,*)n

write(*,*)'TSP tours with n=',n

if(n < 3 .or. n > 20) then

write(*,*)'Invalid value of n - stopping - Bye now'


end if


! READ IN cost matrix and zero city matrix

L1: DO i=1,n

READ (*,*) (cost(i,j),j=1,n)

do j=1,n


end do




write(*, 100)


L2: DO i=1,n

write(*, 101) (cost(I,j),j=1,n)


101 FORMAT (20i4)

100 FORMAT(/' Input Cost MATRIX '/)

ntours=0 ! Counter from 1 to 50,000

notours=0 ! Counter for greater than 2 billion

mincost=1E8 ! Some big number


! Initialization of city data structure

! Generate first row of city matrix


L3: do i=1,n-1

city(1,i)=i+1 ! As in 2 3 4 5 . . n in Row 1

end do L3


! Main Calculation loop starts here


L4: do while (city(1,1) /= 0)

! Generate - expands the matrix with cities not visited so far


L5: do k=2,n-1

if(city(k,1) == 0) then

L6: do i=1,n-1 ! Generate all cities to visit

visit(i)=i+1 ! visit is 2 3 4 5 .. n

end do L6


L61: do i=1,n-1 ! Run down Column 1

if(city(i,1) /= 0 ) visit(city(i,1)-1)=0

end do L61 ! Build up list of places visited

! What's left - cities to be visited


L7: do i=1,n-1

if(visit(i) /= 0) then



end if

end do L7


city(k,m)=0 ! Mark end of this row with a 0

end if ! We have generated 1 new row

end do L5 ! Repeat for rows below


! Extract the tour from column 1 of city matrix


tour(1)=1 ! Start from home

L8: do i=1,n-1

tour(i+1)=city(i,1) ! Straight down column 1

end do L8

tour(n+1)=1 ! Return home


cost1=0 ! cost going

cost2=0 ! cost coming back - in case cost matrix is not

! symmetric

L9: do i=1,n

j=tour(i) ! i and i+1 point to adjacent pairs

k=tour(i+1) ! in the tour array

cost1=cost1+cost(j,k) ! j is a start city of 1 leg

cost2=cost2+cost(k,j) ! k is the next city

end do L9

ntours=ntours+1 ! Total number of tours so far

if (cost1 < mincost) then

mincost=cost1 ! Find minimum cost so far


do i=1,n+1 ! Remember the best tour


end do

end if

if (cost2 < mincost) then



do i=1,n+1 ! Remember the best tour


end do

end if

if(mod(ntours,50000) == 0) then




99 format(' Tour# ',e11.3, 20i3)

end if


! Compress city matrix starting from the foot and move up


city(n-1,1)=0 ! Zero out the last city visited


L27: do while (m > 1)

if(city(m,1) == 0) then

! Compress the (m-1)th row - the one above.


m=m-1 ! Shift previous row 1 column left

L28: do while(city(m,i) /= 0)

city(m,i) = city(m,i+1)


end do L28

end if

if(city(m,1) /= 0) exit

end do L27

! Repeat the main loop over again

end do L4

write(*,*)'Total number of tours = ',notours+ntours, &

& ' and best cost is =',mincost

Write(*,*)'The (first) best tour is number',nobest,' and is -'


127 Format(20i4)


end program tspn