
Demonstrate various Root-Finding techniques

! =====> Program - P125.F90
        PROGRAM Rooter
!  methods.

!       Function types!
        REAL   Bisect, NwtRph, Secant

        REAL   Tol, X1, X2

        PRINT *, 'This is Program >> P125 = Root finding demo'
!     Tell program where data for  READ *  is coming from
      OPEN(UNIT=5, FILE='P125.DAT')      ! UNIT=5 is the default input
        PRINT *, 'Program to demonstrate numerical root finding'
        PRINT *, 'F = x**3 - Exp(-x)    for example'
        PRINT *
        PRINT *, 'Enter tolerance for roots: '
        READ *, Tol
        Print *, Tol
        PRINT *

        PRINT *, 'Enter low limit, high limit: '
        READ *, X1, X2
        Print *, X1, X2
        PRINT *
        PRINT *, 'Bisection: ', Bisect(X1, X2, Tol)

        PRINT *, 'Enter estimated root: '
        READ *, X1
        Print *, X1
        PRINT *
        PRINT *, 'Newton: ', NwtRph(X1, Tol)

        PRINT *, 'Enter 1st, 2nd root estimates: '
        READ *, X1, X2
        Print *, X1, X2
        PRINT *
        PRINT *, 'Secant: ', Secant(X1, X2, Tol)



        REAL FUNCTION F(x)
!       The function of which a root (zero) is to be found.

        F = x**3 - Exp(-x)

        REAL FUNCTION FPrime(x)
!       The derivative of F.

        FPrime = 3*x*x + Exp(-x)

        SUBROUTINE Swap(x1, x2)
!       Exchanges two real values x1 and x2.

        REAL    x1, x2, Temp

        Temp = x1
        x1 = x2
        x2 = Temp


        REAL FUNCTION Bisect(x_a, x_b, Tol)
!  Finds one real root of the function F(x)
!  on the interval [x_a, x_b].

        REAL            x_a, x_b, Tol,       &
                        x_Lo, x_Hi, x_New,   &
                        F_Lo, F_Hi, F_New

        x_Lo = x_a
        x_Hi = x_b
        F_Lo = F(x_Lo)
        F_Hi = F(x_Hi)

!       Start of main Bisection loop
   10   x_New = (x_Lo + x_Hi)/2.0
        F_New = F(x_New)

!       The point (X_New, F_New) replaces the
!       interval boundary with the same sign of F,
!       to ensure that the new interval still
!       contains a sign change.
        IF (F_Lo*F_New < 0.0) THEN
          x_Hi = x_New
          F_Hi = F_New
          x_Lo = x_New
          F_Lo = F_New
        END IF

!       Repeat loop if have not fulfilled
!       any convergence criterion
        IF (Abs(F_New) > Tol .AND.      &
          (x_Hi - x_Lo) > Tol) GO TO 10

        Bisect = X_New

        REAL FUNCTION NwtRph(x0, Tol)
!  Finds one real root of the function F(x) using
!  an initial guess at the root, x0.

        REAL            x0, Tol,       &
                        x_New, x_Old,  &
                        F_x, Fp_x

        x_New = x0
        F_x = F(x0)

!       Main loop---iterate until one convergence
!       criterion met.
   10   x_Old = x_New

        F_x = F(x_Old)
        Fp_x = FPrime(x_Old)

        x_New = x_Old - F_x/Fp_x

!       Repeat loop if have not converged.
        IF (Abs(F_x) > Tol .AND.      &
            Abs(x_New - x_Old) > Tol) GO TO 10

        NwtRph = x_New

        REAL FUNCTION Secant(x_g1, x_g2, Tol)
!  Finds one real root of the function F(x) using
!  two initial guesses at the root, x_g1 and x_g2.

        REAL            x_g1, x_g2, Tol,   &
                        x0, x1, x_New,     &
                        F0, F1

        x0 = x_g1
        x1 = x_g2
        F0 = F(x0)
        F1 = F(x1)

!       Ensure that x1 is the better guess to start
        IF (Abs(F0) < Abs(F1)) THEN
          CALL Swap(x0, x1)
          CALL Swap(F0, F1)
        END IF

!       Start of main Secant loop

!       Estimate new x as the point on the x-axis
!       intersected by the line joining (x0, F0)
!       and (x1, F1)
   10   x_New = x1 - F1*(x1 - x0)/(F1 -F0)

!       Update both estimates, assuming new x is
!       better than the two previous guesses.
        x0 = x1
        F0 = F1
        x1 = x_New
        F1 = F(x1)

!       Repeat loop if have not converged.
        IF (Abs(F1) > Tol .AND.      &
            Abs(x1 - x0) > Tol) GO TO 10

        Secant = x1

-2.0  2.0
.1   .2

Program entered
 This is Program >> P125 = Root finding demo
 Program to demonstrate numerical root finding
 F = x**3 - Exp(-x)    for example

 Enter tolerance for roots: 

 Enter low limit, high limit: 
  -2.0000000   2.0000000

 Bisection:    0.7734375
 Enter estimated root: 

 Newton:    0.7728938
 Enter 1st, 2nd root estimates: 
   0.1000000   0.2000000

 Secant:    0.7726500
Fortran-90 STOP

Come back to the previous page

Page builder: Charles Boivin

Last modified: 11/07/95