Assignment #5 - 97A

Assignment #5 - 97A

Assignment 5

T.A          : Stefan 

Mail to      : HCAE on MUSICB  (all other destinations will be IGNORED)
               Send your 'C' source file, your data and output to your code HC--
               on MUSICB.
               Then E-Mail both to HCAE.
               To get credit for your assignments they MUST by mailed
               from your own HC-- code - that's how we keep track of all
               the students in the class.

Due          : 15 November 1997
Weight       : 35


Problem statement:


Write a C program that calculates Binomial Coefficient of two

numbers "n" and "k" according to the formula


---------- assuming n > k.



The factorial of a number "n" is the product

n! = n * (n-1)!


where 1! = 1 and

0! = 1 by definition.

(ex. 5! = 5 * 4! or 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120)




You should create a function

int BinCoef(int, int);

which accepts the numbers "n" and "k" as an input parameters

and returns the needed result. You should also create a function

int Factorial(int);

which accepts a number as an input and returns it's factorial as an output, and use it in a recursive fashion.

Your program should read in a loop different values from an input file.

The input will have two numbers "n" and "k" per line.

Terminate reading with the value -1.

Test your program with the following pairs of numbers:

7 3

8 2

9 5

10 4

10 6

-1 -1

Accordingly, your output might look like:

n k BinCoef


7 3 value

8 2 value

9 5 value

10 4 value

10 6 value


Try to make the most efficient code (BONUS 10%).


12*11*10*9*8*7! 12*11*10*9*8

BinCoef(12, 5) = ----------------- = --------------

5! * 7! 5!