Gerald Ratzer
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Born in England, educated in Scotland at Kelvinside Academy and Glasgow
University. First degree in Honours Physics. Started graduate studies at
the Maths Lab at Cambridge University, England. This included programming
EDSAC 2 in machine language, using paper tape!
Awarded an IBM Fellowship and came to McGill University in Montreal,
as the first graduate student in Computer Science, in 1964. Founding member
of the School of Computer Science at McGill in 1970.
Current Activities
Research interests include modelling and simulation as used in real
time applications, such as air traffic control simulators. Software derived
from this research is running in 34 countries. Computer Assisted
Learning (CAL) for several different fields ranging from high school to
university level courses, both in Canada and overseas. This work is reflected
in the course material that has created on the web at the links above and
below. Other research work involves assistance to a team of
McGill colleagues working on the processing by computer of scripted based
calligraphic languages.
Recent publication: Public Policy on Carbon Dioxide and Pollution with respect to Climate Change.
Consulting assignments include assistance with Software Engineering,
Process Engineering and Corporate Planning for companies in the computer
and telecommunications fields. One current assignment has included
helping a company achieve ISO9001:2000 certification. Another has
involved the design and implementation of collaboration software that
includes desktop sharing.
20 Questions on the Science of Climate Change
Many people are confused by the ongoing discussion on Climate Change and would like to be
more knowledgeable on the Science behind the topic. This set of questions is designed to help
with understanding the complex aspects of the Science of Climate Change. There is a huge
amount of information available on the web and elsewhere and trying to tell fact from fiction is
difficult. To be able to participate in the climate discussion you need to understand the
underlying Science, at least at a high level. Surf to this page for a set of 20 questions and suggested answers.
20 Questions on the Science of Climate Change
The Climate Change Debate - Notes and Links
Recent Awards
Royal Bank Teaching Innovation Award 1994, 1995, 1997
Faculty of Engineering Course Improvement Award, 1997
Faculty of Science Course Development Award, 1998
National Science and Engineering Research Council and the Conference Board
of Canada University-Industry Synergy R&D Partnership Award.
Federation d'Informatique du Quebec - OCTAS '96 Award for Innovation -
Passport Consortium - McGill U., DREV, ATS Aerospace Inc., CRIM and Laval
National Research Council - IRAP Award with ATS Aerospace Inc., and Dr.
S. Hyder for computer based calligraphy. 1996/97
Canadian Space Agency STEAR 10 SAFIRE Project, with Profs. de Mori, V.
Hayward, ATS Aerospace and MPB Technologies, 1996/97
Appointed CEO, Secretary - Treasurer and Director of McGill Systems Inc.,
the McGill company responsible for commercializing computer software. Recent
successes include the sale of Host Explorer micro/mainframe connectivity
software to Hummingbird Communications Inc. 1998 to 2001.
Appointed Full Professor in 1998.
- Awarded sabbatical leave 2003/2004.
Voted on to the McGill Pension Administration Committee by his peer group.
May 2004.
Other Interests
Policy Issues currently of concern to Prof. Ratzer
and under discussion at McGill are:
A fair Grading Scheme for McGill, which will encourage excellence and give
students the full recognition they deserve.
The current McGill grading scheme is non linear, and heavily penalizes
a student for one or two poor grades.
Co-President and Honorary Secretary of the Oxford-Cambridge Society of
Montreal. Any graduate from either university in the Montreal area should
please forward their coordinates to Professor Ratzer. Any student
interested in applying to either of these universities is also invited
to discuss their plans.
Professor Gerald Ratzer
McGill University
Computer Science
McConnell Engineering Room 330
3480 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2A7
Tel: (514) 398-7082 Fax: (514) 398-3883
Here is a link to the OLD Computers in
COMP-208 course web site. Use WebCT for the current version!
Here is the link to the McGill School of Computer Science
Here is the link to the McGill University main page
Office: McConnell Engineering Building , Room 330
Office Phone: (514) 398-7082
Office FAX: (514) 398-3883
Last Modified: 30/5/2004 Copyright © McGill