service : "service" "{" htmls schemas nevariables functions sessions "}" /* NEW */ | "service" "{" htmls schemas functions sessions "}" /* NEW */ ; htmls : html | htmls html ; html : "const" "html" identifier "=" "" nehtmlbodies "" ";" /* NEW */ | "const" "html" identifier "=" "" "" ";" /* NEW */ ; nehtmlbodies : htmlbody | nehtmlbodies htmlbody ; htmlbody : "<" identifier attributes ">" | "" | "<[" identifier "]>" | whatever | meta | "<" "input" inputattrs ">" | "<" "select" inputattrs ">" nehtmlbodies "" /* NEW */ | "<" "select" inputattrs ">" "" /* NEW */ ; inputattrs : inputattr | inputattrs inputattr ; inputattr : "name" "=" attr | "type" "=" inputtype | attribute ; inputtype : "text" | "radio" ; attributes : /* empty */ | neattributes ; neattributes : attribute | neattributes attribute ; attribute : attr | attr "=" attr ; attr : identifier | stringconst ; schemas: /* empty */ | neschemas ; neschemas: schema | neschemas schema ; schema : "schema" identifier "{" fields "}" ; fields : /* empty */ | nefields ; nefields : field | nefields field ; field : simpletype identifier ";" ; nevariables : variable | nevariables variable ; variable : type identifiers ";" ; identifiers : identifier | identifiers "," identifier ; simpletype : "int" | "bool" | "string" | "void" ; type : simpletype | "tuple" identifier ; functions : /* empty */ | nefunctions ; nefunctions : function | nefunctions function ; function : type identifier "(" arguments ")" compoundstm ; arguments : /* empty */ | nearguments ; nearguments : argument | nearguments "," argument ; argument : type identifier ; sessions : session | sessions session ; session : "session" identifier "(" ")" compoundstm ; stms : /* empty */ | nestms ; nestms : stm | nestms stm ; stm : ";" | "show" document receive ";" | "exit" document ";" | "return" ";" | "return" exp ";" | "if" "(" exp ")" stm | "if" "(" exp ")" stm "else" stm | "while" "(" exp ")" stm | compoundstm | exp ";" ; document : identifier | "plug" identifier "[" plugs "]" ; receive : /* empty */ | "receive" "[" inputs "]" ; compoundstm : "{" nevariables stms "}" /* NEW */ | "{" stms "}" /* NEW */ ; plugs : plug | plugs "," plug ; plug : identifier "=" exp ; inputs : /* empty */ | neinputs ; neinputs : input | neinputs "," input ; input : lvalue "=" identifier ; exp : lvalue | lvalue "=" exp | exp "==" exp | exp "!=" exp | exp "<" exp | exp ">" exp | exp "<=" exp | exp ">=" exp | "!" exp | "-" exp | exp "+" exp | exp "-" exp | exp "*" exp | exp "/" exp | exp "%" exp | exp "&&" exp | exp "||" exp | exp "<<" exp | exp "\+" identifier /* NEW */ | exp "\+" "(" identifiers ")" /* NEW */ | exp "\-" identifier /* NEW */ | exp "\-" "(" identifiers ")" /* NEW */ | identifier "(" exps ")" | intconst | "true" | "false" | stringconst | "tuple" "{" fieldvalues "}" | "(" exp ")" /* NEW */ ; exps : /* empty */ | neexps ; neexps : exp | neexps "," exp ; lvalue : identifier | identifier "." identifier ; fieldvalues : /* empty */ | nefieldvalues ; nefieldvalues : fieldvalue | fieldvalues "," fieldvalue ; fieldvalue : identifier "=" exp ; TOKENS: identifier : usual identifiers ; intconst : usual integer constants ; stringconst : usual string constants ; meta : any string of the form ; whatever : any string not containing < or > ;