Ph.D. abstract (proposal):
Many modern games are based in a continuous-time and 2D continuous-state
environment. Examples
include most sports, 3D shooters, RPGs, strategic war simulations, etc. This
non-discrete environment is often hard to work with due to the inconvenience
of infinite amount of information in contiuous spaces.
interesting research task would be to try to measure the "goodness" of a particular
position in these games; essentially searching for a meaningful evaluation
function for these continuous state snapshots. This can be done by using basic
intuitions from Pattern Recognition theory: define features of a snapshot based on
piece configuration and other geometric properties such as region of influence,
line-of-sight, etc. We can then use the values of the measures as feature
values to apply decision
theory and/or learning methods to determine
which of these features are more relevent to the current goals (eg. winning). I suspect that the results
would vary
not only between games but also at different time points in the
same game, and that worthwhile conclusions about these games could be derived
from the results of this analysis.
I am still uncertain of what I want to do precisely as I am also interested generally in the
quantification of strategy in games (including opponent-modelling) as well as collaberative
and communicative agents.
Here's a list of people I respect. Whether they be friends, family, profs, they've all
helped me get through this long, stressful part of the highway we call life.
- Clark Verbrugge (hij die zwarte draagt)
- Without him, I most definitely would have "lost" my thesis by now!
- Francis Perron (der sonderling des bewohners debian linux)
- Long live Toomba. He never really died, the DM rolled a 20..
- Christian Lavoie (o guy com o cabelo)
- I honestly made this guy run from his appartment to the department of Comp Sci-- in 7 minutes. True story.
- Mini-Marc GB (il mio gopher gemellare)
- "A duck." ... "Exactly!". "So, if she weighs the same as a duck... then she's made of wood!"
- Alexandre Denault (de georganiseerde kerel)
- The best person to have in a group project.
- Sokhom Pheng (il cambodian timido)
- Soko-motion!!
- Irwin Chiu Hau (der kerl niemand kann verstehen)
- I've learned quite a few Linux tricks from him.
- Chris Wu (meu camarada 531)
- This guy could speak faster than I could think.
- Miriam Zia (da gringa mexicana, apodo m33r)
- Straight from the Assyrian empire!
- W.I.P. (West Island Psychos)
- It's almost like we grew up together..