The recent explosion in software development technologies and the ever-increasing diversity of programmers and programming contexts creates critical challenges for the development of usable and up-to-date software documentation. The concept of traditional, manually-authored documents may be unsustainable in this context.
The WDSD 2017 workshop will bring together experienced researchers with the goal of mapping out a research agenda for the development of theories and techniques to support the dynamic (automated) generation of software documentation in various contexts. The workshop will be structured around the elaboration of specific "research challenges" for documentation generation, supported by benchmarks and evaluation metrics.
The workshop will take place at McGill University's Bellairs Research Institute, located directly on a beautiful beach in Barbados. The Bellairs Institute provides basic accommodation (in double occupancy only). The workshop activities will be held directly at the institute.
The workshop is organized by Martin Robillard with Andrian Marcus and Christoph Treude. Due to limited space availability, attendance at the workshop is by invitation only.
Linares-Vásquez, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Gabriele Bavota, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Oscar Chaparro, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Ernst, Software Engineering Institute, USA
Marco Aurélio
Gerosa, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Michael Godfrey, University
of Waterloo, Canada,
Michele Lanza,
Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
Andrian Marcus, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia, Canada
Laura Moreno,
Colorado State University, USA
Martin Robillard, McGill University, Canada
David Shepherd, ABB, USA
Christoph Treude, University of
Adelaide, Australia
Edmund Wong,
University of Waterloo, Canada