CanDB 2006
The Fifth Canadian Database Research
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hilton Suites, Toronto
The Canadian database research community meets
periodically to discuss
their work. This one-day event attracts people from both academia and
and provides a forum for participants to share their research
interests. This
year, the workshop is co-located with Cascon 2006.
This the 5th edition of CanDB; the previous events took
place in 1999, 2000,
and 2004.
and Registration
The workshop will be held at
Hilton Suites Toronto/Markham Conference Centre, the same
locale as CASCON.
There is no registration fee for the workshop but all
attendees must
pre-register to be able to attend the event. Registration will be
through Cascon. Please go to Cascon registration . Additionally, if you are heading a research group and you want to present an overview of what your group is doing, please email to Bettina Kemme (see email below).
Thanks to our sponsors, the workshop can take place and even feed the attendees without registration fees.
IBM provides the logistics, the coffee breaks and the lunch. The dinner is sponsored by Sybase iAnywhere and Afilias .
Tentative Schedule |
| |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Registration |
9:00 - 9:05 |
Welcome |
9:05 - 10:35 |
Student Session:
| | Tasmeia Yousaf, University of Ottawa: Open Service Architectures for Peer Database Management Systems
Guoli Li, University of Toronto: Dynamic Query Optimizations in Content-based
Routing Overlays.
Xiaodong Zhou, University of British Columbia: Email summarization based on the quotation graph
Huaxin Zhang, University of Waterloo: Partitioning Query Optimization -- an Improvement over
Parametric Query Optimization
10:35 - 10:45 |
Break and poster session |
10:45 - 11:30 |
| | Renée Miller: Managing Inconsistency and
Uncertainty in Databases |
11:30 - 13:00 |
Lunch and poster session |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Research Experience Session:
| | Pat Martin: CAS Research Projects: An Academic's Perspective
Denilson Barbosa: What do we mean by "VL" in VLDB?
Ihab Ilyas: The RankDB project: prototyping experience in PostgreSQL
Glenn Paulley: Experiences and Challenges in Collaborative Research |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Break and Poster Session |
15:15 - 16:45 |
Research Group Presentations |
| Rokia Missaoui, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
Nick Koudas / Chaitanya Mishra, University of Toronto
Arno Jacobsen, University of Toronto
Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo
Jacob Slonim, Dalhousie University
Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University
Carson Leung, University of Manitoba
Bettina Kemme, McGill University
18:XX - 22:00 |
Dinner and closing |
In the student session, students will present their recent research in compact form. There will be 5 student talks. The purpose of this session is to motivate students to see CanDB as a good venue to discuss their research and get involved in the Canadian database research community.
The goal of the research experience session is to discuss different ways to get a research project rolling, and thus should be interesting for profs, students and industry researchers.
There will be four talks discussing experience working with open-source software, possibilities and experience collaborating with industry partners, and how to get data for benchmarking and do actually benchmarking.