if Bettina Kemme, School of Computer Science, McGill University, Montreal. My research areas include large-scale data management and distributed systems.  

[Bettina Kemme]

Bettina Kemme

School of Computer Science
McGill University
Montreal, Canada

School of Computer Science
McGill University
3480 University Street
McConnell Engineering Building, Room 318
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3A 0E9

E-mail:bettina.kemme at mcgill.ca
Office: MC 109N

Diplom (similar to M.Sc.) in Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany, 1996
PhD in Computer Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, 2000.


Fall 2024: COMP 512 Distributed Systems
Winter 2025: COMP 421 Database Systems


The lab is looking for graduate students starting in the 2025/2025 academic year interested in participating in the Sustainable Data Systems for Data Science program. You need to have a strong background in system's work (database systems, operating systems, distribute systems) with some research and/or development experience in this area. General knowledge in Machine Learning is an asset. If you are intersted, please email me with your CV.

My main focus lies in the design and development of distributed information systems. I am involved in several projects related to communication and information management such as supporting in-database analytics, performance monitoring in the cloud, and software design for micro-architecture. Detailed information can be found at the webpage of the Distributed Information Systems Group

For publications, see DBLP

How to live life?

Having lived in a couple of very different countries it took me some time to figure out which is the best way to live. I have been trying to combine Spanish "alegrķa" (zest for life) with American belief in freedom, and Swiss efficiency. Canada added the beauty of a multicultural society. And in my heart, I have always been German.