COMP-424: Artificial Intelligence
- I will not be teaching this course in Winter 2017.
- See the new website. The course will be taught by Prof. Jackie Cheung.
We will cover selected topics in Artificial Intelligence. We will study modern techniques for computers to make good (in some cases optimal) decisions that are applicable throughout
an enormous range of industrial, civil, medical, financial, robotic and
information systems. We will not attempt to cover the entire range of AI sub-areas in detail, but will survey several key themes.
Topics usually covered
- Introduction to AI. Brief history. Different agent architectures.
- Search: uninformed and heuristic search, A*, local search and optimization.
- Constraint satisfaction problems.
- Game playing and adversarial search.
- Knowledge representation. Logical reasoning. Propositional logic.
- Planning algorithms.
- Reasoning under uncertainty. Bayes rule. Belief networks.
- Decision making. Utility theory. Reinforcement learning. Game theory.
- Applications.