Computer Science 308-435B

Basics of Computer Networks

McGill University, Winter 2001

Assignment 2: Error detection and correction

Due date

UPDATED !: Saturday 10 March, before 23:59 (hard deadline).
Read the description below VERY carefully. Some clarifications have been added.

Submission medium



The deliverable for this assignment is one ASCII text file named errcodes.txt, to be submitted via VisualCM. This assignment will be graded by a program, so using the correct format is essential. The file must contain, in exactly the following format: On all lines, information must start from the first column.
If your first or last name contains spaces (blanks), that is acceptable (as long as you encode correctly).
Letters may be lower case or upper case (or mixed) as long as they are encoded with the correct ASCII code.

Hans Vangheluwe