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Basic Object Types (Structures) in cddlib

Here are the types (defined in cddtypes.h) that are important for the cddlib user. The most important one, dd_MatrixType, is to store a Polyhedra data in a straightforward manner. Once the user sets up a (pointer to) dd_MatrixType data, he/she can load the data to an internal data type (dd_PolyhedraType) by using functions described in the next section, and apply the double descrition method to get another representation. As an option dd_MatrixType can save a linear objective function to be used by a linear programming solver.

The two dimensional array data in the structure dd_MatrixType is dd_Amatrix whose components are of type mytype. The type mytype is set to be either the rational type mpq_t of the GNU MP Library or the C double array of size $1$. This abstract type allows us to write a single program that can be compiled with the two different arithmetics, see example programs such as simplecdd.c, testlp*.c and testcdd*.c in the src and src-gmp subdirectories of the source distribution.

#define dd_FALSE 0
#define dd_TRUE 1

typedef long dd_rowrange;
typedef long dd_colrange;
typedef long dd_bigrange;

typedef set_type dd_rowset;   /* set_type defined in setoper.h */
typedef set_type dd_colset;
typedef long *dd_rowindex;   
typedef int *dd_rowflag;   
typedef long *dd_colindex;
typedef mytype **dd_Amatrix;  /* mytype is either GMP mpq_t or 1-dim double array. */
typedef mytype *dd_Arow;

typedef enum {
  dd_Real, dd_Rational, dd_Integer, dd_Unknown
} dd_NumberType;

typedef enum {
  dd_Inequality, dd_Generator, dd_Unspecified
} dd_RepresentationType;

typedef enum {
  dd_MaxIndex, dd_MinIndex, dd_MinCutoff, dd_MaxCutoff, dd_MixCutoff,
   dd_LexMin, dd_LexMax, dd_RandomRow
} dd_RowOrderType;

typedef enum {
  dd_InProgress, dd_AllFound, dd_RegionEmpty
} dd_CompStatusType;

typedef enum {
  dd_DimensionTooLarge, dd_ImproperInputFormat, 
  dd_NegativeMatrixSize, dd_EmptyVrepresentation,
  dd_IFileNotFound, dd_OFileNotOpen, dd_NoLPObjective, dd_NoRealNumberSupport, dd_NoError
} dd_ErrorType;

typedef enum {
  dd_LPnone=0, dd_LPmax, dd_LPmin
} dd_LPObjectiveType;

typedef enum {
  dd_LPSundecided, dd_Optimal, dd_Inconsistent, dd_DualInconsistent,
  dd_StrucInconsistent, dd_StrucDualInconsistent,
  dd_Unbounded, dd_DualUnbounded
} dd_LPStatusType;

typedef struct matrixdata *dd_MatrixPtr;
typedef struct matrixdata {
  dd_rowrange rowsize;
  dd_rowset linset; 
    /*  a subset of rows of linearity (ie, generators of
        linearity space for V-representation, and equations
        for H-representation. */
  dd_colrange colsize;
  dd_RepresentationType representation;
  dd_NumberType numbtype;
  dd_Amatrix matrix;
  dd_LPObjectiveType objective;
  dd_Arow rowvec;
}  dd_MatrixType;

typedef struct setfamily *dd_SetFamilyPtr;
typedef struct setfamily {
  dd_bigrange famsize;
  dd_bigrange setsize;
  dd_SetVector set;  
} dd_SetFamilyType;

typedef struct lpsolution *dd_LPSolutionPtr;
typedef struct lpsolution {
  dd_DataFileType filename;
  dd_LPObjectiveType objective;
  dd_LPSolverType solver; 
  dd_rowrange m;
  dd_colrange d;
  dd_NumberType numbtype;

  dd_LPStatusType LPS;  /* the current solution status */
  mytype optvalue;  /* optimal value */
  dd_Arow sol;   /* primal solution */
  dd_Arow dsol;  /* dual solution */
  dd_colindex nbindex;  /* current basis represented by nonbasic indices */
  dd_rowrange re;  /* row index as a certificate in the case of inconsistency */
  dd_colrange se;  /* col index as a certificate in the case of dual inconsistency */
  long pivots[5]; 
   /* pivots[0]=setup (to find a basis), pivots[1]=PhaseI or Criss-Cross,
      pivots[2]=Phase II, pivots[3]=Anticycling, pivots[4]=GMP postopt  */
  long total_pivots;
} dd_LPSolutionType;

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Komei Fukuda 2004-11-24