deliverable: benchmark programs

Note that this is one of two deliverables due by the end of week 5!

Each project group must produce a small JOOS program, i.e. a collection of classes and a main() method. The combined size should be at least 100 non-sequential semicolons (empty expression statements are not so useful), but that is really the bare minimum for an interesting program. On unix you can use the count script to count your lines of code. The program must "do something" and illustrate some aspect(s) of JOOS. This means that if you just write procedural C code disguised as JOOS it might be bad for you. Remember to run and test your programs!

One important requirement this year is that your benchmarks should do something that is both funny and unique. "Funny" is defined as making your TA(s) and instructor laugh. "Unique" is defined as not done by any of the groups in previous years. Computing the factorial function is not funny. Writing a Brainfuck interpreter is not unique. (That said, you could always gamble on finding a way to make computing the factorial function funny, but we're talking uncontrollable fits of laughter from everybody involved.) The point of this requirement? We want you to have some fun.

Your program should be an application (which it will be if it has a main() method), and it should take input from stdin and write output to stdout. It should be possible to put the input in a file called in1, and run the program as:

$ java Myprog < in1

You should also be able to run the program capturing the expected output in a file called out1 using:

$ java Myprog < in1 > out1

Your program should be deterministic: it must always produce exactly the same output for a given input. This lets us run the benchmarks automatically and test the actual output against an expected output using diff, which will be important for the peephole contest where unsound optimizations can break your programs and mess up the output. Furthermore, it must be possible to run the program remotely via ssh without X-forwarding.

Your test program should be compilable with both javac and joosc. If your program consists of files, then you should be able to compile them using:

$ javac


$ joosc

Recall that joosc automatically links in the joos externs for you. If you need or want to create more externs, feel free to do so. However, your externs may only refer to methods provided in libraries, such as those in the JDK. If you want to use non-JDK libraries, you must provide technical support down the road, since other people will be running your benchmark. You may not use externs to include Java code that you wrote for this assignment alone as a means to avoid the restricted syntax of JOOS.

These programs will be the benchmarks for the peephole contest. The more features of JOOS you use, the more "interesting" the contest will be: you must develop static optimizations to reduce code size. Feel free to make your benchmark program require features of your improved compiler from the other concurrent JOOS deliverable, such as for-loops.

The JOOS benchmarks from previous years are available here. They will also appear in your public_html directory if you do svn up. Please look at them for inspiration.

You should check your benchmark in to a directory called group-X/joos/benchmark/ that contains all of the files that comprise your benchmark, a README file describing your benchmark, a test input file called in1 and the matching output file called out1.

This deliverable is due by midnight on Friday of Week 5. It will count for 3.33% of your grade. Marks will be generously deducted for late submissions.

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