import joos.lib.*; import java.util.*; public class Maze { //the dimension of our grid protected int dimension; // //the index of which random maze to print //i.e if it is 10 will print the tenth //maze found. This number is based on the dimension //cubed so guaranteed that it will be less than //total number of unicursal mazes possible protected int randomMaze; //will keep track of how long our //current path is. protected int mazeLength; //variable to keep track of how many //unicursal mazes have been found protected int numOfMazes; protected boolean PRINT; protected boolean RANDOM; protected boolean PNFG; // a reference to the maze to print // if the random option has been used // node[][] protected Vector mazeToPrint; public Maze(int dimension1, int randomMaze1, int mazeLength1, int numOfMazes1, boolean PRINT1, boolean RANDOM1, boolean PNFG1) { super(); dimension = dimension1; randomMaze = randomMaze1; mazeLength = mazeLength1; numOfMazes = numOfMazes1; PRINT = PRINT1; RANDOM = RANDOM1; PNFG = PNFG1; } public int getDimension() { return dimension; } public int getNumOfMazes() { return numOfMazes; } public int getRandomMaze() { return randomMaze; } public Vector getMazeToPrint() { return mazeToPrint; } public static void main(String[] args) { Maze mazeSolution; JoosIO io; int dimension; int randomMaze; int mazeLength; int numOfMazes; boolean PRINT; boolean RANDOM; boolean PNFG; Random generator; PRINT = true; RANDOM = false; PNFG = false; randomMaze = 0; mazeLength = 1; numOfMazes = 0; dimension = 0; io = new JoosIO(); // read from standard in the dimension of the maze dimension = io.readInt(); if( dimension < 2 ) { io.println("dimension must greater than or equal to 2"); (new JoosSystem()).exit(1); } if ( RANDOM || PNFG ) { generator = new Random(); // Just a quick fix since we cant really output the zeroth // maze found since we have not found one yet while (randomMaze == 0) { // relies on the fact that i know the total number of unicursal mazes // for dimension 2 to 6 if (dimension == 2) { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 9 ); } else if (dimension == 3) { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 41 ); } else if (dimension == 4) { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 553 ); } else if (dimension == 5) { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 8649 ); } else if (dimension == 6) { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 458697 ); } else { randomMaze = generator.nextInt( 458697 ); } } } mazeSolution = new Maze(dimension, randomMaze, mazeLength, numOfMazes, PRINT, RANDOM, PNFG); mazeSolution.countNumOfMazes(); io.println("Final number of " + mazeSolution.getDimension() + "*" + mazeSolution.getDimension() + " unicursal mazes found is: " + mazeSolution.getNumOfMazes()); // print a randomly generated maze ( only the unicursal core) if ( RANDOM ) { io.println(""); io.println( "Printing the " + mazeSolution.getRandomMaze() + " Unicursal maze found"); mazeSolution.printMaze( mazeSolution.getMazeToPrint()); } if (RANDOM || PNFG) { // add random n-1 connections between non adjacent nodes to the maze mazeSolution.connectNonAdjacent(); // add random n-1 deads ends(size 1-3 rooms) to the maze mazeSolution.addDeadEnds(); } if ( PNFG ) { mazeSolution.toPNFG(dimension); } } /** * a private method in charge of generating pnfg code * for dead end branches * @param out the file to write to * @param i the current node row we are looking at that has dead ends connected to it * @param j the current node col we are looking at that has dead ends connected to it * @param key the key representing which side the dead end is originated from */ public void writeDeadEnds( int i, int j, String key ) { Vector deadEnd; Node temp; JoosIO io; int k; io = new JoosIO(); temp = (Node) ( (Vector)( mazeToPrint.elementAt(i) ) ).elementAt(j); deadEnd = (Vector) ((HashMap)(temp.getConnectedDeadEnds())).get( key ); for(k = 0; k < deadEnd.size(); k++) { // define room name io.println("room maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k); io.println(""); // open room brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); // add any state variables and enter actions this.writeEnterCommand(i, j, k, key ); // add any commands // we will add the look command this.writeLookCommand(i, j, (Node)deadEnd.elementAt( k ) ); if ( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "northExit" ) ) { // set up command you go north io.println("(you, n)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); // if this is the last room in the chain where the chain is of size 2 or 3 // then we need to make sure we print out saying we cannot move north anymore if ( k != deadEnd.size() - 1) { io.println("'Theseus heads north';" ); io.println(""); io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k+1)+";" ); } else { io.println("'Theseus: Cannot go there';"); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go south io.println("(you, s)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println("'Theseus heads south';" ); io.println(""); if ( k == 0 ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_exit;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_" + i + j+";" ); } } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k-1)+";" ); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } else if ( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "eastExit" ) ) { // set up command you go east io.println("(you, e)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); // if this is the last room in the chain where the chain is of size 2 or 3 // then we need to make sure we print out saying we cannot move north anymore if ( k != deadEnd.size() - 1) { io.println("'Theseus heads east';" ); io.println(""); io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k+1)+";" ); } else { io.println("'Theseus: Cannot go there';"); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go west io.println("(you, w)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println("'Theseus heads west';" ); io.println(""); if ( k == 0 ) { if (((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_exit;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_" + i + j+";" ); } } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k-1)+";" ); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } else if ( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "southExit" ) ) { // set up command you go south io.println("(you, s)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); // if this is the last room in the chain where the chain is of size 2 or 3 // then we need to make sure we print out saying we cannot move north anymore if ( k != deadEnd.size() - 1) { io.println("'Theseus heads south';" ); io.println(""); io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k+1)+";" ); } else { io.println("'Theseus: Cannot go there';"); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go north io.println("(you, n)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println("'Theseus heads north';" ); io.println(""); if ( k == 0 ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_exit;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_" + i + j+";" ); } } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k-1)+";" ); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } else if ( key.equalsIgnoreCase( "westExit" ) ) { // set up command you go west io.println("(you, w)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); // if this is the last room in the chain where the chain is of size 2 or 3 // then we need to make sure we print out saying we cannot move north anymore if ( k != deadEnd.size() - 1) { io.println("'Theseus heads west';" ); io.println(""); io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k+1)+";" ); } else { io.println("'Theseus: Cannot go there';"); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go east io.println("(you, e)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println("'Theseus heads east';" ); io.println(""); if ( k == 0 ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_exit;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_" + i + j+";" ); } } else { io.println("move you from maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + " to maze_dead_" + key + i + j + (k-1)+";" ); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } } /** * a helper method for writing pnfg code for non adjacent room connections * @param out the file to write to * @param row the row in our data structure of the node we are currently looking at * @param col the col in our data structure of the node we are currently looking at * @param key the position NESW * @param type The type of this room entrance, regular or exit * @return true if there is a non adjacent room connected to this one */ public boolean writeNonAdjacentRooms(int row, int col, String key, String type) { JoosIO io; String temp; Integer first; Integer second; int i; int j; temp = null; i = 0; j = 0; io = new JoosIO(); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if( !((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedNonAdjacent().isEmpty() ) { if( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedNonAdjacent().containsKey( key ) ) { temp = (String)((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedNonAdjacent().get( key ); // need to verify whether moving to the entrance or exit or neither first = new Integer(temp.substring(0, 1) ); second = new Integer( temp.substring(1, temp.length()) ); i = first.intValue(); j = second.intValue(); //i = Integer.valueOf( temp.substring(0, 1) ); //j = Integer.valueOf( temp.substring(1, temp.length()) ); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("entrance") ) { if (((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_" + temp +";" ); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("exit") ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_entrance;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_" + temp +";" ); } } else { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + row + col + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + row + col + " to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + row + col + " to maze_" + temp +";" ); } } return true; } } return false; } /** * a helper method to write pnfg code for moving towards dead ends * @param out the file to write to * @param row the row in our data structure of the node we are currently looking at * @param col the col in our data structure of the node we are currently looking at * @param key the position NESW * @param type The type of this room entrance, regular or exit * @return true if there is a dead end room connected to this one */ public boolean writeDeadEndRooms(int row, int col, String key, String type ) { JoosIO io; io = new JoosIO(); // it must be the dead ends part if ( !((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedDeadEnds().isEmpty() ) { if (((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedDeadEnds().containsKey( key ) ) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("entrance") ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_dead_" + key + row + col + 0 +";" ); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("exit") ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_dead_" + key + row + col + 0 +";" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + row + col + " to maze_dead_" + key + row + col + 0 +";" ); } return true; } } return false; } /** * a helper method to output on the file the look command in pnfg * @param i the current i position of the room we are looking at * @param j the current j position of the room we are looking at * @param deadEnd the deadend if we want to write look coomand for a dead end. maybe null */ public void writeLookCommand( int i, int j, Node deadEnd ) { JoosIO io; io = new JoosIO(); // we will add the look command io.println("(you, look)"); io.println(""); // open look command brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println( "room_look();"); io.println(""); // check to see if this is for a dead end room or regular room if ( deadEnd != null ) { if ( deadEnd.isNorthExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway north';"); io.println(""); } if ( deadEnd.isSouthExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway south';"); io.println(""); } if ( deadEnd.isEastExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway east';"); io.println(""); } if ( deadEnd.isWestExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway west';"); io.println(""); } } else { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway north';"); io.println(""); } if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway south';"); io.println(""); } if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway east';"); io.println(""); } if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isWestExit() ) { io.println( "'Theseus: There is a doorway west';"); io.println(""); } } // close look command brace io.println("}"); io.println(""); } /** * a helper method to output in pnfg the enter action snippet * @param i the current i position of the room we are looking at * @param j the current j position of the room we are looking at * @param k the deadend index could be -1 indicating we are not looking at a dead end * @param key the key of the deadend could also be null */ public void writeEnterCommand( int i, int j, int k, String key ) { JoosIO io; io = new JoosIO(); // add any state variables io.println("state { visited }"); io.println(""); // add any enter actions io.println("enter"); io.println(""); // open enter action brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); // check to see if writing enter command for a dead end node if ( k != -1 && key != null ) { io.println( "if (maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + "!.visited)"); io.println(""); // open if brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println( "+?maze_dead_" + key + i + j + k + ".visited;"); io.println(""); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println( "if (maze_entrance!.visited)"); io.println(""); // open if brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println( "+?maze_entrance.visited;"); io.println(""); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println( "if (maze_exit!.visited)"); io.println(""); // open if brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println( "+?maze_exit.visited;"); io.println(""); } else { io.println( "if (maze_" + i + j + "!.visited)"); io.println(""); // open if brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println( "+?maze_" + i + j + ".visited;"); io.println(""); } io.println( "room_look();"); io.println(""); // close if brace io.println("}"); io.println(""); // close enter action brace io.println("}"); io.println(""); } /** * will output to a file called mazeToPNFG.txt * the maze in pnfg language */ public void toPNFG(int dimension) { //HashSet keys; String key; JoosIO io; int i; int j; i = 0; j = 0; io = new JoosIO(); // rooms will be name according to their index (row col) in our array // hence room maze_10 corresponds to the node at position row 1 col 0 // room maze_22 corresponds to the node at position row 2 and col 2 for (i=0; i < dimension ; i++) { for (j=0; j < dimension ; j++) { // first print unicursal part of the maze if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { // define room name io.println("room maze_entrance"); io.println(""); // open room brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); // add any state variables and enter actions this.writeEnterCommand(i, j, -1, null); // add any commands // we will add the look command this.writeLookCommand(i, j, null); // set up the movement commands // set up command you go north io.println("(you, n)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads north';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms(i, j, "northExit", "entrance") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "northExit", "entrance" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i-1))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_" + (i-1) + j +";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go east io.println("(you, e)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads east';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "entrance") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "entrance" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j+1)).isWestExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_" + i + (j+1)+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go south io.println("(you, s)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads south';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "southExit", "entrance") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "southExit", "entrance" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i+1))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_" + (i+1) + j+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go west io.println("(you, w)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isWestExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads west';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "westExit", "entrance") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "westExit", "entrance" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j-1)).isEastExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_entrance to maze_" + i + (j-1)+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { // define room name io.println("room maze_exit"); io.println(""); // open room brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); // add any state variables and enter actions this.writeEnterCommand(i, j, -1, null); // add any commands // we will add the look command this.writeLookCommand( i, j, null); // set up the movement commands // set up command you go north io.println("(you, n)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads north';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "northExit", "exit") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "northExit", "exit" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i-1))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_" + (i-1) + j +";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go east io.println("(you, e)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads east';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "exit") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "exit" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j+1)).isWestExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_" + i + (j+1)+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go south io.println("(you, s)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads south';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "southExit", "exit") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "southExit", "exit" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i+1))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_" + (i+1) + j+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go west io.println("(you, w)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isWestExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads west';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "westExit", "exit") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "westExit", "exit" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j-1)).isEastExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_exit to maze_" + i + (j-1)+";" ); } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up special command up to exit maze to the court_yard io.println("(you, u)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); io.println("'Theseus heads up the staircase';" ); io.println(""); io.println("move you from maze_exit to court_yard;" ); io.println(""); io.println("}"); io.println(""); } // just a regular room neither exit nor entrance else { // define room name io.println("room maze_" + i + j); io.println(""); // open room brace io.println("{"); io.println(""); // add any state variables and enter actions this.writeEnterCommand( i, j, -1, null); // add any commands // we will add the look command this.writeLookCommand( i, j, null); // set up the movement commands // set up command you go north io.println("(you, n)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads north';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "northExit", "normal") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "northExit", "normal" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i-1))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { // need to verify whether moving to the entrance or exit or neither if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i-1))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i-1))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_" + (i-1) + j+";" ); } } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go east io.println("(you, e)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads east';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "normal") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "eastExit", "normal" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j+1)).isWestExit() ) { // need to verify whether moving to the entrance or exit or neither if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j+1)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j+1)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_" + i + (j+1)+";" ); } } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go south io.println("(you, s)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads south';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "southExit", "normal") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "southExit", "normal" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i+1))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit() ) { // need to verify whether moving to the entrance or exit or neither if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i+1))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i+1))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_" + (i+1) + j+";" ); } } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); // set up command you go west io.println("(you, w)"); io.println(""); io.println("{"); io.println(""); if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isWestExit() ) { io.println("'Theseus heads west';" ); io.println(""); // check if its the non adjacent part(Braided) if ( this.writeNonAdjacentRooms( i, j, "westExit", "normal") ) { } // it must be the dead ends part else if ( this.writeDeadEndRooms( i, j, "westExit", "normal" ) ) { } // if connected to unicursal part else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j-1)).isEastExit() ) { // need to verify whether moving to the entrance or exit or neither if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j-1)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_entrance;" ); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j-1)).gethasExit() ) { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_exit;" ); } else { io.println("move you from maze_" + i + j + " to maze_" + i + (j-1)+";" ); } } else { io.println(" Should never get here "); } io.println(""); } io.println("}"); io.println(""); } // close room brace io.println("}"); io.println(""); io.println(""); // now add the dead end rooms for this node if any //keys = (HashSet)((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).getConnectedDeadEnds().keySet(); // while( keys.iterator().hasNext() ) // { // key = (String) keys.iterator().next(); // this.writeDeadEnds(i, j, key); // } } } } public void usage() { JoosIO io; io = new JoosIO(); io.println("/***************************************************************/"); io.println("** - convert python source to formatted html.*"); io.println("****************************************************************"); io.println("Usage: "); io.println("UnicursalMaze [-options(s)] Dimension"); io.println("\n"); io.println("options: "); io.println("-verbose = for printing out all the mazes found."); io.println("-random = for printing out a random maze."); io.println("-pnfg = outputs to a file, called mazeToPNFG.txt, a random maze transformed to pnfg language snippet"); io.println("WARNING -pnfg option overwrites previous existing file called mazeToPNFG.txt"); io.println("/***************************************************************/"); } public void countNumOfMazes() { Vector maze; int row; int col; int k; int j; maze = this.initMazeArray(dimension); for ( row = 0; row < dimension; row++ ) { for( col = 0; col < dimension; col++ ) { // mark entrance ((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).setHasEntrance( true ); for (k = 0; k < dimension; k++) { for ( j = 0; j < dimension; j++ ) { // skip if the exit and entrance are at the same node if ( (k != row) || (j != col) ) { //mark exit ((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(k))).elementAt(j)).setHasExit( true ); this.find(maze, row, col); // reset vars and maze array maze = this.initMazeArray( dimension ); if ( (k < ( dimension - 1 )) || (j < ( dimension - 1 )) ) { ((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).setHasEntrance( true ); } mazeLength = 1; } } } } } } public void connectNonAdjacent() { Random generator; int row1; int col1; int row2; int col2; String wallSet; String wallSet2; int i; generator = new Random(); wallSet = null; wallSet2 = null; row1 = 0; col1 = 0; row2 = 0; col2 = 0; for(i = 0; i < (dimension-1);i++) { row1 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col1 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); // first find a random node that has // an available wall while( !((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row1))).elementAt(col1)).hasFreeWall() ) { row1 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col1 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); } wallSet = ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row1))).elementAt(col1)).setFirstFreeWall(); // find a new random node not the same // as the one above and not adjacent to it // that also has a available wall row2 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col2 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); while( !((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row2))).elementAt(col2)).hasFreeWall() || ( ( row1 == row2 ) && ( col1 == col2 ) ) || ( ( row1 == row2 ) && ( col1 + 1 == col2 ) ) || ( ( row1 == row2 ) && ( col1 - 1 == col2 ) ) || ( ( row1 + 1 == row2 ) && ( col1 == col2 ) ) || ( ( row1 - 1 == row2 ) && ( col1 == col2 ) ) ) { row2 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col2 = generator.nextInt( dimension ); } wallSet2 = ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row2))).elementAt(col2)).setFirstFreeWall(); ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row1))).elementAt(col1)).getConnectedNonAdjacent().put( wallSet,""+row2+col2 ); ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row2))).elementAt(col2)).getConnectedNonAdjacent().put( wallSet2,""+row1+col1 ); } } public void addDeadEnds() { Random generator; int row; int col; int length; String wallSet; Vector nodeList; int k; int i; Node temp; generator = new Random(); row = 0; col = 0; length = 0; wallSet = null; nodeList = new Vector(); k = 0; for(i = 0; i < (dimension - 1);i++) { // first find a random node that has // an available wall row = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col = generator.nextInt( dimension ); while( !((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).hasFreeWall() ) { row = generator.nextInt( dimension ); col = generator.nextInt( dimension ); } // this will randomly generate the size of our dead end branch // min 1 and max 3 length = generator.nextInt( 4 ); while( length == 0 ) { length = generator.nextInt( 4 ); } wallSet = ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).setFirstFreeWall(); // note wallSet will never be null since we ensure that we // only choose a node with a free wall temp = null; for(k = 0; k < length; k++) { temp = new Node(); // recall we are connecting dead ends to // the first free wall we set // so if wallSet is north exit then that connects // to the south exit of the dead end branch // if our branch is longer than 1 we also need to // ensure connections properly for that if ( wallSet.equalsIgnoreCase( "northExit") ) { temp.setSouthExit( true ); if ( k != (length - 1) ) { temp.setNorthExit( true ); } } else if ( wallSet.equalsIgnoreCase( "southExit") ) { temp.setNorthExit( true ); if ( k != (length - 1) ) { temp.setSouthExit( true ); } } else if ( wallSet.equalsIgnoreCase( "eastExit") ) { temp.setWestExit( true ); if ( k != (length - 1) ) { temp.setEastExit( true ); } } else if ( wallSet.equalsIgnoreCase( "westExit") ) { temp.setEastExit( true ); if ( k != (length - 1) ) { temp.setWestExit( true ); } } nodeList.addElement( temp ); } ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint.elementAt(row))).elementAt(col)).getConnectedDeadEnds().put(wallSet, nodeList ); nodeList = new Vector(); } } public Vector cloneMaze( Vector maze ) { Vector copy; int i; int j; copy = new Vector( ); for (i=0; i < dimension ; i++) { copy.insertElementAt(new Vector(), i); for (j=0; j < dimension ; j++) { ((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).insertElementAt(new Node(), j); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setEastExit(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit()); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setHasEntrance(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance()); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setHasExit(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit()); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setNorthExit(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isNorthExit()); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setSouthExit(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit()); ((Node)((Vector)(copy.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).setWestExit(((Node)((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isWestExit()); } } return copy; } /** * initializes our maze data structure * @return a 2d array of Node objects representing our maze */ public Vector initMazeArray(int dimension) { Vector maze; int i; int j; maze = new Vector(); for (i=0; i < dimension ; i++) { maze.insertElementAt( new Vector(), i); for (j=0; j < dimension ; j++) { ((Vector)(maze.elementAt(i))).insertElementAt( new Node(), j); } } return maze; } /** * print out the maze in ascii characters * s will represent a start node * --- will represent a connection east west between nodes * 0 will represent a regular node * e will represent an end or exit node * | will represent a connection north south between nodes * 3 blank spaces in any direction represent no connection * @param mazeToPrint2 The maze to be printed */ public void printMaze( Vector mazeToPrint2 ) { int j; int i; JoosIO io; j = 0; i = 0; io = new JoosIO(); io.println("KEY: Node stands for room as well"); io.println("Reg Node: 0 "); io.println("Start Node: s "); io.println("End Node: e"); io.println("East/West path: --- "); io.println("North/South path: | "); io.println("no path(spaces): "); while( i < dimension ) { io.println(""); while( j < dimension ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint2.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasEntrance() ) { io.print("s"); } else if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint2.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).gethasExit() ) { io.print("e"); } else { io.print("0"); } if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint2.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isEastExit() ) { io.print("-"); io.print("-"); io.print("-"); } else { io.print(" "); io.print(" "); io.print(" "); } j = j + 1; } j = 0; io.println(""); while( j < dimension ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)(mazeToPrint2.elementAt(i))).elementAt(j)).isSouthExit() ) { io.print("|"); io.print(" "); io.print(" "); io.print(" "); } else { io.print(" "); io.print(" "); io.print(" "); io.print(" "); } j = j + 1; } j = 0; i = i + 1; } io.println(""); io.println(""); } /** * our recursive function that will compute * all unicursal mazes that fit dimension X dimension * grid * @param maze * @param row current row we are looking at in our 2d array * @param col current col we are looking at in our 2d array * @return */ public boolean find(Vector maze, int row, int col) { // check to see if there is an adjacent node to the north if ( (row - 1) >= 0 ) { // check to see if it is the exit if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).gethasExit() ) { // check to see if it is also an entrance if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).gethasEntrance() ) { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) ) { // done for sake of printing maze ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } //numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; numOfMazes++; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); } } else { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( ( dimension * dimension ) - 1 ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); } } } // if not exit check to see if the node to the north has been already visited or not else if ( !((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1)).elementAt( col )).wasVisited() ) { // visit it normally and do recursive call ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); mazeLength = mazeLength + 1; if ( this.find( maze, row - 1, col ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row - 1 )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); mazeLength = mazeLength - 1; } } else { } } // check to see if there is an adjacent node to the east if ( (col + 1) < dimension ) { // check to see if it is the exit if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).gethasExit() ) { // check to see if it also an entrance if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).gethasEntrance() ) { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( false ); } } else { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) - 1 ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( false ); } } } // if not exit check to see if the node to the east has been already visited or not else if ( !((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).wasVisited() ) { // visit it normally and do recursive call ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( true ); mazeLength = mazeLength + 1; if ( this.find( maze, row, col + 1 ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setEastExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col + 1 )).setWestExit( false ); mazeLength = mazeLength - 1; } } else { } } // check to see if there is an adjacent node to the south if ( ( row + 1 ) < dimension ) { // check to see if that node is an exit if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).gethasExit() ) { // check to see if it is also an entrance if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).gethasEntrance() ) { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); } } else { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) - 1 ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); } } } // check to see if the node to the south has been already visited or not else if ( !((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).wasVisited() ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( true ); mazeLength = mazeLength + 1; if ( this.find( maze, row + 1, col ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setSouthExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row + 1 )).elementAt( col )).setNorthExit( false ); mazeLength = mazeLength - 1; } } else { } } // check to see if there is an adjacent node to the west if ( ( col - 1 ) >= 0 ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).gethasExit() ) { if ( ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).gethasEntrance() ) { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( false ); } } else { // verify if our maze spans the whole space if ( mazeLength == ( dimension * dimension ) - 1 ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( true ); // print out the maze if ( PRINT ) { (new JoosIO()).println("Maze number: " + (numOfMazes+1) ); (new JoosIO()).println(""); this.printMaze( maze ); } numOfMazes = numOfMazes + 1; if ( RANDOM || PNFG) { if ( randomMaze == numOfMazes ) { mazeToPrint = this.cloneMaze( maze ); } } ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( false ); } } } else if ( !((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).wasVisited() ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( true ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( true ); mazeLength = mazeLength + 1; if ( this.find( maze, row, col - 1 ) ) { ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col )).setWestExit( false ); ((Node)((Vector)maze.elementAt( row )).elementAt( col - 1 )).setEastExit( false ); mazeLength = mazeLength - 1; } } else { } } return true; } }