public class Environment { protected MyList env; protected String current; public Environment() { super(); env = null; current = ""; } public Environment(String expression) { super(); env = null; current = expression; } // reverse a list public MyList reverse(MyList reverse) { MyList theList; theList = null; while(reverse != null) { theList = new MyList(reverse.getHead(), theList); reverse = reverse.getTail(); } return theList; } // compute a to the b public int pow(int a, int b) { int c; c = 1; while(b>0) { c = c * a; b = b - 1; } return c; } // transform a string representing an int into an int public int decode(String number) { int ans; int length; int i; ans = 0; length= number.length(); for(i = 1; i <= length; i++) { char digit; int cur; digit = number.charAt(length - i); if(digit == '0') { cur = 0; } else if(digit == '1') { cur = 1; } else if(digit == '2') { cur = 2; } else if(digit == '3') { cur = 3; } else if(digit == '4') { cur = 4; } else if(digit == '5') { cur = 5; } else if(digit == '6') { cur = 6; } else if(digit == '7') { cur = 7; } else if(digit == '8') { cur = 8; } else { cur = 9; } ans = ans + cur * this.pow(10, i - 1); } return ans; } // takes the next expression of current and transforms it into an Expr, cutting it away from current public Expr next() { Expr ans; if(current.charAt(0) == '(') { current = current.substring(1,current.length()); ans = this.goThrough(); } else if(current.length() >= 4 && current.substring(0,4).equalsIgnoreCase("plus")) { current = current.substring(4, current.length()); ans = new Plus(); } else { int i; int number; LispInteger num; i = 0; while(current.charAt(i) != ' ' && current.charAt(i) != ')') { i++; } number = this.decode(current.substring(0, i)); current = current.substring(i, current.length()); num = new LispInteger(number); ans = num; } return ans; } // transforms the exprs of current until the parenthesis into Exprs public Expr goThrough() { MyList reverse; current = current.substring(4,current.length()); reverse = null; while(current.charAt(0) != ')') { current = current.substring(1, current.length()); reverse = new MyList(, reverse); } current = current.substring(1, current.length()); return new MyList(new Plus(), this.reverse(reverse)); } // evaluates expr public Expr eval(Expr expr) { if(expr instanceof MyList) { MyList list; MyList tail; Function function; MyList reverse; MyList arguments; list = (MyList)expr; tail = list.getTail(); function = (Function)this.eval(list.getHead()); reverse = null; while(tail != null) { reverse = new MyList(this.eval(tail.getHead()), reverse); tail = tail.getTail(); } arguments = this.reverse(reverse); return this.apply(function, arguments); } return expr; } // applies function to arguments public Expr apply(Function function, MyList arguments) { return function.apply(arguments); } }