CS566A: Class Presentations (Fall 2007)

Please email Conor at cmeagh1(at)cs.mcgill.ca if you find any errors or have questions.

Important: Presentations will be held: Nov. 29th and Dec. 4th.
Each presentation is for 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions. Your topic should be registered with Conor (email is OK: cmeagh1 AT cs.mcgill.ca) by November 9. Give him your source document title, authors, journal name or URL.
Deadline for receiving all written material: Friday, Dec 7 at noon in Prof. Avis' mail box in McConnell 318

November 29th

(1) Ethan Kim

	Title: Large-scale linear programming techniques for the design of protein folding potentials
	Authors: Michael Wagner, Jaroslaw Meller, Ron Elber
	Journal: Mathematical Programming: Series A and B Volume 101, Issue 2 (November 2004)
	Paper Online: here

(2) Shin-ichi Tanigawa

	Title: One line and n points
	Authors: B. Gärtner, J. Solymosi, F. Tschirschnitz, P. Valtr, E. Welzl
	Journal: Random Structures and Algorithms 23:4 (2004) 453-471.
	Paper Online: here

(3) Putra Manggala

	Title: Bidding and Allocation in Combinatorial Auctions
	Authors: Noam Nisan
	Journal: ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
	Paper Online: here

(4) Ali Zangeneh

	Title: Designing Emergency Responce Networks for Hazardous Materials Transportation
	Authors: Oded Berman, Vedat Verter, Bahar Y. Kara
	Journal: Compuers and Operations Research
	Paper Online: here

December 4th

(1) Shichun Xiong

	Title: Decomposition in Integer Programming
	Authors: T.K. Ralphs, M.V. Galati 
	Journal: Technical Report 04T-019, Lehigh University
	Paper Online: here

(2) Malika Meghjani

	Title: Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Solution to Multi-Robot Task Allocation Problem
	Authors: Atay, Nuzhet; Bayazit, Burchan
	Journal: Technical Report WUCSE-2006-54, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington University
	Paper Online: here

(3) Jing Zhu

	Title:  Measuring the efficiency of decision making units
	Authors:  Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W., and Rhodes, E.
	Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
	Paper Online: here

(4) Paul Intrevado

	Title: Mixed-Integer Programming Methods for Finding Nash Equilibria
	Authors: Tuomas Sandholm, Andrew Gilpin and Vincent Conitzer
	Journal: Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2005
	Paper Online: here

Last update: November 16th, 2007