Environmental Etiquette
Monday February 16, 2004

Finally! I get to wash my clothes by hand in Majagual, Nicaragua during our Lawrence of Arabia days on the beach and surf. I use XEDEX, the local brand, smelling so good I wish I brought some home. There is something about doing it yourself.

A large concrete block serves as the washing station in which there are three sinks. One serves as pre soak. One serves as rinse. And one grate-like sink is used to scrub soiled clothes against. I take my shirt off for it is already hot.

I scrub profusely. The rising aroma of spring flowers from the fresh powder enters my nostrils with a pleasant yet ambitious drive like the warm affection of a good woman. Two hands! I rub with strenuous discipline! Oh god… this is tiring… My muscles pumped and forehead sweaty. I do Mitch's laundry as well. You know you're close when you do your best friend's underwear by hand!

After rinsing the clothes and wringing them out I am ready for a siesta (nap). I hang the clothes on a line above the tent… ahh… and let the good wind take its natural course.

at the laundry station
my surf board "grim reeper" joins me

our tent for 7 days
tight living quarters, with no mats either