COMP 529 - Software Architecture

Email Communications

In this course, students will have to send many emails (weekly homeworks, project proposal, technical capsule proposal). We established the following policy to ensure that email management is fair and efficient. Not following this policy could result in an email being ignored with all the associated consequences (missed deadlines, penalty, etc.).

File Format

If you send a file (e.g., homework, milestone report) by email, always send a PDF.


The date and time of the email is the one given by the SOCS mail server. If you want to be sure that your email is (1) delivered (2) on time, you should send your email from your or account.

Email Subject

The following subjects should be used. If you don’t have a group number assigned yet, just omit the group part of the subject:

  1. Homework: COMP529 Homework 1 Group 1
  2. Milestone: COMP529 Milestone 0 Group 0
  3. Tech Capsule: COMP529 Tech Capsule
  4. Question: COMP529 Question YOUR_QUESTION_TITLE_HERE

Email Recipients

In general, you should always send your email to the instructor and the T.A (see email address on the first page). Course questions may be sent to the instructor alone.

Don’t forget to use Reply All when there was more than one recipient (this is a cause of eternal frustration for the instructor).