Fizzbuzz in brainfuck.
    Copy and paste on to compile.
    Copyright Alexandre Beaulne 2012.

    COMMAND                 INDEX   DESCRIPTION 

    >++++++++++                1    Put 10 in cell {1}
    [<++++++++++>-]<           0    Put 100 in cell {0}
    [                          0    Start of outer loop
      > +                      1    Put 100 minus i in cell {1}
      [->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<    1    Copy cell {1} in cell {2}
      >> +++ <                 2    Put 3 in cell {3}
      <<<+>>>>>]<<<<<          2    Divide cell {2} by cell {3}
      >[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]+       4    if modulo == 0 print fizz
      >[<->[-]]<[              4    if {x==0} construct
        >> +++++++             6    Put 7 in cell {6}
        [<++++++++++>-]<.      5    Print F
        +++ .                  5    Print I
        +++++++++++++++++..    5    Print ZZ
        >>>>> + <<<<<          5    Increment cell {10}
      [-]]                     4    end of if construct
      >[-]<[-]<[-]<[-]<        1    clean cell {2} to {5}
      [->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<    1    Copy cell {1} in cell {2}
      >> +++++ <               2    Put 5 in cell {3}
      <<<+>>>>>]<<<<<          2    Divide cell {2} by cell {3}
      >[>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]+       4    if modulo == 0 print buzz
      >[<->[-]]<[              4    if {x==0} construct
        >> ++++++              6    Put 6 in cell {6}
        [<+++++++++++>-]<.     5    Print B
        +++++++++++++++++++.   5    Print U
        +++++..                5    Print ZZ
        >>>>> + <<<<<          5    Increment cell {10}
      [-]]                     4    end of if construct
      >[-]<[-]<[-]<[-]<        1    Clean cell {2} to {5}
      >>>>>>>>>[<+>-]<[<+>-]   9
      <[<+>-]<[<+>-]<[<+>-]    6
      <[<+>-]<[<+>-]<          3    Copy cell {10} in cell {3}
      [>+>+<<-]>[<+>-]+        4    if not multiple of 3 or 5 print num
      >[<->[-]]<[              4    if {x==0} construct
        <[-]<<                 1    Put 0 in cell {3}
        [->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<  1    Copy cell {1} in cell {2}
        >>>++++++++++          4    Put 10 in cell {4}
        [<++++++++++>-]<       3    Put 100 in cell {3}
        <                      2    Move to cell {2}
        <<<+>>>>>]<<<<<        2    Divide cell {2} by cell {3}
        +++++++++ . [-]]       2    Print 100s if any
        >                      3    Move to cell {3}
        [->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<  3    Copy cell {3} in cell {4}
        [>> ++++++++++ << [-]] 3    Put 10 in cell {5} if cell {3} is not 0
        >                      4    Move to cell {4}
        <<<+>>>>>]<<<<<        4    Divide cell {4} by cell {5}
        ++++++++ . >           5    Print 10s
        ++++++++ . <           4    Print 1s
      [-]]                     4    end of if construct
      >> ++++++++++ .          6    Print new line
      >>>> [-] <<<<            6    Clean cell {10}
      [-]<[-]<[-]<[-]<[-]      2    Reset cell {2} to {6}
      << -                     0    Decrement i
    ]                          0    end of outer loop