Thinking recursively


I was browsing /r/learnprogramming yesterday, and I saw a few posts discussing recursion: some posters were confused by how recursive calls worked and how to write their own recursive functions. (There were also questions as to why recursion was desirable; I'll leave that for another post.) I understand how these people feel really well: I also struggled and scratched my head often before I was able to use recursion as easily as I can use a for loop.

In this post, I'd like to present a tip that has helped me grok recursion: assuming you have something that wish you had. Whenever I write recursive code and that I forget this tip, I struggle and when I remember it, code just flows out of my fingertips. We'll look at three small functions written recursively, and I hope that I am able to properly explain how I thought about the solutions and that it is helpful to you. The code examples will be written in Python.

The Towers of Hanoi

The Towers of Hanoi is a classic computer science program that most CS undergrads have seen in at least one class. It's a "game" where you have a stack of disks of increasing diameter on a rod and you want to move those disks to a second rod, using a third intermediate rod, and respecting some rules:

  1. You can only move one disk at a time;
  2. You can only move the top-most disk of a rod;
  3. You can only put a disk on top of a larger disk.

Our goal is to write a function that will give the movements that we need to perform to move n disks from one rod to another. One way to achieve this is with a recursive function, so let's take a look at a solution.

First, what are the inputs of the function? We'll need to pass in 4 parameters:

So we have the following function definition:

def hanoi(disks, src, dst, temp):

Easy enough. Let's implement the logic. In a recursive function, we always have two parts:

The base case is usually the simpler one, so let's start with it. In our problem, what is the simplest case we can imagine? What about moving 0 disks? Well that's pretty simple: we do nothing! Let's implement that part:

def hanoi(disks, src, dst, temp):
    if disks == 0:
        return []

Our function returns the moves as a list; doing nothing is represented by returning an empty list.

Now we come to the interesting part, the inductive case. It's easy to get lost here: we can look at the rules and start imagining all sorts of tests that we could perform to move the disks. At first view, it seems that there is a lot of logic to be implemented, and that can make your head spin a little bit. But let's remember the tip:

Assume you have something that you wish you had.

So what do we need to solve the towers of Hanoi? Well, it would be really swell if we had a way to move all but the largest disk into the temporary rod. Moving the largest disk from the source to the destination would then be a single step. Afterwards, it would also be really nice if we had a way to move the smaller disks from the temporary rod to the destination. To summarize, here's what we need:

  1. A way to move the smaller disks out of the way (i.e. into the temporary rod);
  2. A way to move the smaller disks into the destination rod.

Do we have that? Well, sort of... See, hanoi is a function that is supposed to take n disks from one rod to another, so maybe we can use that?

def hanoi(disks, src, dst, temp):
    if disks == 0:
        return []
        ## Move all but the last disks to the temp rod.
        step1 = hanoi(disks-1, src=src, dst=temp, temp=dst)

        ## Move the largest disk to the destination.
        step2 = [(src, dst)]

        ## Move the smaller disks that are on the temp rod
        ## to the destination.
        step3 = hanoi(disks-1, src=temp, dst=dst, temp=src)

        ## Combine and return the moves
        return step1 + step2 + step3

>>> hanoi(3, "A", "B", "C")
[('A', 'B'), ('A', 'C'), ('B', 'C'), ('A', 'B'), ('C', 'A'), ('C', 'B'), ('A', 'B')]

step1 and step3 describe the two things we wish we could do, and step2 is simply the move of the largest disk from source to destination. And as it turns out, that is the complete solution!

Now if you're thinking that there is something a bit "magical" going on, you are not wrong. After all, it's not because we wish we had something that we have it. How is it that by simply stating our two wishes in code, that the code works? You can convince find out in detail by simulating it with values of disks from 0, 1, 2, etc. if you wish, but I find that thinking of it in high level terms just "well, by some process, the smaller disks are moved out of the way" is easier. This is the power of our little tip. Let's look at another example.

Power sets

If you took a discrete math class, you'll probably have heard of power sets; given a set of elements S, it's all the different ways we can take some of the elements of S.

For example, if S = {1, 2, 3}, then we can take no elements ({}), just one element ({1}, {2}, {3}), two elements ({1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}) or three elements ({1,2,3}).

Let's say we wanted to write a function to generate a power set for us, how would we do it? Perhaps you'll think of some way to use a while loop and some clever technique to pick out the correct elements, but let's try our hand at another recursive function.

Again, we need to consider what the inputs of the function are, and we'll also consider the base case. The input to the function will be a set (we'll use a list in Python). What about the base case? Let's think, what would be the simplest input we could give to our powerset function? The empty set sounds like a good candidate. And how many ways can we pick elements out of the empty set? There's just one way: pick no elements. So we have the following base case:

def powerset(s):
    if not s:
        return [[]]

(Note that we return [[]] and not []: there is exactly one member in the power set of the empty set, so it's important that we return a list containing one element.)

Now we have to deal with the inductive case, so let's look at our tip again:

Assume you have something that you wish you had.

So what do we wish we had? What if we had the power set of the set, but with the first element removed? What I mean by that is, suppose we have S = [1,2,3], we take out the first element (1), and compute the power set for [2,3]. Once we have that power set, we can make a copy, add 1 to every set in the copy and do the union between the original power set and the modified copy. Here's what I mean in pseudo code:

x, rest = S[0], S[1:]
P = powerset(rest)
P2 = P.copy()
for s in P2:
return P + P2

All right, let's implement this (we'll simplify the Python code a bit by using a list comprehension).

def powerset(s):
    if not s:
        return [[]]
        x, rest = s[0], s[1:]
        p = powerset(rest)
        return p + [[x]+t for t in p]

>>> powerset([1,2,3])
[[], [3], [2], [2, 3], [1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]]

And it works! We used the same strategy, we found out what we wished we had, assumed we had it by making a recursive call (powerset is supposed to give us the thing we need) and use it to build our result. Again, you can work through small examples to see how it works. We have one last example of applying recursion to solve a problem.

Making change

Our last example will involve money: given an amount and a list of coins, how many ways can we make change for that amount?

We'll once again start by considering our inputs and base case. The inputs are simply going to be the amount and the list of coins (n.b.: the coins are going to be in decreasing order). What about the base case? Well in this particular problem, there are actually going to be two of them:

  1. If the amount is zero, then there is exactly one way to give change: give nothing!
  2. If the list of coins is empty or the amount is negative, then we cannot give change.

Let's put in those base cases:

def make_change(amount, coins):
    if amount == 0:
        return 1
    elif not coins or amount < 0:
        return 0

And we now get to the inductive case, and remind ourselves, for the last time, of our tip:

Assume you have something that you wish you had.

What do we need to solve the problem? We'd like to know two things: how many ways are there to make change without using the first coin, and how many ways are there to make change when we use the first coin. If we had these two numbers, we could simply add them and be done. And we can describe those numbers using a recursive call:

def make_change(amount, coins):
    if amount == 0:
        return 1
    elif not coins or amount < 0:
        return 0
        return make_change(amount, coins[1:]) + \
            make_change(amount-coins[0], coins)

>>> make_change(45, [25,10,5,1])

In the else clause of our function, we do two recursive calls that get us exactly what we said we needed. The first recursive call calculates how to make change for the amount using all but the first coin; the second call "uses" the first coin and calculates how to make change for that new amount using all the coins.

Once more, by simply stating in code what we wish we had, and using it to compute the result, we end up with a correct, working function!

(Warning: do not use this algorithm with very large amounts, it's much too slow and will use all available memory. A better solution to this problem is to use dynamic programming. Nevertheless, I thought it was a nice problem to exercise our recursion reflexes.)


I hope this post helped you realize that recursion doesn't have to be scary if you proceed step-by-step:

  1. Figure out the necessary inputs for the function;
  2. Figure out the base cases, the cases for which you can immediately give an answer;
  3. For the inductive cases, figure out what you wish you had, and how that would help you compute the answer;
  4. Use a recursive function call to get the thing you wish you had and perform the combination step.

That isn't to say that it's easy; sometimes figuring out what you need or how to combine it takes creativity. That's when pen and paper, a white board, or a helpful colleague are very helpful. And one last time, let's look at our tip for writing recursive functions:

Assume you have something that you wish you had.