Welcome to the I.C.S. & I. web page! It is under construction. Please email corrections, suggestions, and new material (photos as jpeg attachments; under 30K, please; please date event and identify people if you can) to Tim Merrett. (For the moment, though, aesthetics take second place to content.)

Island City Singers and Instrumentalists
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Photo: Jane Lavery?, 1973/7?
Donald sings!

Photo: Jane Lavery?, 1973.7?
Donald punts!

Photo: ?, 1974/5/4
At the wedding of Margo Hurtubise and Ian Heron: Gita Jaeger, Benny Beattie, Susan Craig

Photo: Margo Heron?, 1974?
Folkmass at North Hatley

Photo: Giita Beattie?, 19??
Benny Beattie, Ian Heron, Anne Bernstein, Hershel Berstein

Photo: Marion Isherwood?, 2000/9
Tim Merrett, Mary Ann Mongeau, Donald Patriquin

Photo: Gita Beattie?, date?
Marion Isherwood, Mary Biedermann, Eric Mill, Eleanor KAne