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Island City Singers and Instrumentalists
Obituary: Libby Anderson

Elizabeth A. Anderson

Elizabeth-known as Libby by all who loved her-died on Saturday, July 26, 2003. She was 59. Born, raised and schooled in Montreal, in her earlier years she was an exuberant member of the Island City Singers and was often called upon for solo work, her clear gentle soprano voice filling the hearts of many. Libby had a successful professional career, first as a banker in Montreal, England and Vancouver. Then, after a complete switch in direction, she turned her talents to what was to become the love of her life, administrator for some of Canada's leading theatres; Playhouse Theatre, Vancouver; Phoenix Theatre, Edmonton; English Theatre at the National Arts Centre, Ottawa; Canadian Stage, Toronto; and most recently, the Stratford Festival of Canada. Her life was one in which she breathed the heart and soul into these organizations, nurturing the close friendships of her theatre family. Her humour and inner strength continued to sustain her family relationships, long friendships from Montreal days, Vancouver days and on. Her generosity knew no bounds. Libby is survived by her brother Jim (partner Christina and daughter Cassandra) of Montreal and Vermont and her sister Jane (husband Gerry and daughter Elizabeth) of Kona, Hawaii and San Diego. At her request, there will be one heckuva party to rejoice in Libby's life in both Stratford and Vermont, to be announced at a later date. Memorial tributes in her name may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society Huron/Perth, the Stratford General Hospital or the OSPCA-Perth County Branch through the Heinbuck Funeral Home, 156 Albert Street, Stratford, N5A 3K4 (271-5062). Her family and friends will miss her warm heart and beautiful smile.

Written by Marion Isherwood, Felicity Edwards, and Eleanor Kane.
Printed in The Globe and Mail and The Stratford Beacon Herald, Monday, July 28, 2003.

Memorial tributes (ICS alumnae/i)

"Healing Journey Program"
Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation
610 University Avenue
Toronto M5G 2M9
attn. Cathy Sinclair

MasterCard, Visa, Amex:
1 866 224 6560 (Toronto: 416 946 6560)

Indicate that the donation is for the Healing Journey Program in memory/honour of Libby Anderson, along with donor name, address, amount, and that next of kin is Eleanor Kane