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Island City Singers and Instrumentalists
Thumbnail sketch: Don and Wendy Cartlidge

Don & Wendy (Coombs) Cartlidge:
After a wonderful ICS send-off, Don and Wendy and 20 month-old Jonathan left Montreal for Calgary in l975. Don continued teaching and daughter Jennifer was born in '76. After 5 years of "Stampeding", we packed up again for "greener pastures" and in l980, landed in White Rock, BC, where Don took a different career path involved in the petroleum industry. We participated in school and sports activities as "professional volunteers" and enjoyed the West Coast lifestyle for 11 years. Don was then transferred to Chicago IL, where we spent the next 5 years. During this period, Jon attended the University of Victoria from which he graduated in Chemistry. Meanwhile, Jenn headed off to University of Illinois and graduated in Education. To our surprise, Jon (now 27) decided to settle in Chicago and Don & Wendy moved back to the coast - this time to a suburb of Seattle (Go Mariners) where Don and his partners have their own company. Wendy now works with a veterinarian and Jenn (now 24) is teaching Kindergarten nearby. The family has certainly had a variety of interesting experiences through our many moves and it's hard to believe we left Montreal 25 years ago!