Midterm Winter 1996

1. (8 minutes, 10 points)

What will the following program print?

        REAL  X, Z, T
        INTEGER I, J, K, Y
        X   =   4. ** (3 / 2)
        Y   =   1 / 2  *  7 / 2
        Z   =   SQRT (X ** 2 + Y ** 2)
        I   =   (-4) ** (-3)
        T   =   X ** Y ** Z
        J   =   MOD (INT (X), INT (T))
        K   =   IABS (I) + EXP (FLOAT (I))
        PRINT *, J, X, Y, Z, I, T

2. (10 minutes, 10 points)

What will the following program print?

       INTEGER A,B
       DO 22 A  =  17,28,4
          DO 33 B  =  1,3
             IF (MOD(A,B).GT.B / 3) THEN
                IF (A / 6.GE.B) THEN
                   PRINT *,'HEGEL'
                   PRINT *,'NIETZSCHE'
                PRINT *,'SPINOZA'
33        CONTINUE

3. (10 minutes, 10 points)

What will the following program print?
	INTEGER A(20,20)
	READ *, N
	DO  20 I   =   1,N
	   READ 10,( A(I,J), J  =   1,N)
 10	   FORMAT(4I4)
	DO 50 I  =  1,N
	   IP   =   I + 1
	   DO 50 J  =  IP,N
		IW   =   A(I,J)
		A(I,J)   =   A(J,I)
 50		A(J,I)   =   IW
 	DO 60 I   =   1, N
 60	   PRINT *, (A(I,J), J   =   1, N)
4   1   2   5
2   3   4   8
5   6   7   10
1   3   4   5

4. (7 minutes, 10 points)

The following FORTRAN 77 program contains several (syntax?) errors. Find and circle each error. Write a short explanation for those that cannot be circled!

       REAL, I, IM
       READ 5 IM, W, T,
  5    FORMAT (I3, 2F10.0)
       DO 20 J   =   1,6
         IF (MOD(J,2) EQ 0) THEN
       	    I   =   IM * COSWT +  J
       PRINT8, IM, W, T, I

5. (25 minutes, 30 points)

Write an FORTRAN 77 sub-program (TSTMAT) that accepts a square, two-dimensional array A and its dimension N as input, and determines whether the sum of the elements above the main diagonal is equal to the sum of those below the main diagonal. The main diagonal elements A(i,i), for i = 1, N should be ignored in your calculation.

Write an FORTRAN 77 main program that reads data into a square array, uses the sub-program - TSTMAT, and then prints out the matrix and whether it meets the requirement stated above.

Your program should have a title at the top of a new page. Show the operating system job control lines to run the program. Write your program in the space below and on the reverse of the exam pages as required.

Don't forget good internal program documentation!

6. (30 minutes, 35 points)

The file INF8:CS208.CLASS contains records with the following format

    COLUMNS	      FIELD				        EXAMPLE
    1-7		McGill ID			        8154321
    10-30		Last, First names		        SMITH, JEAN
    31-60		10 Assignment marks	        10 12 15 .....
    61-65		Mid Term mark   (out of 100)	  85
    66-70		Final exam mark (out of 100)	  78

Using this set of data write a FORTRAN program to perform the following operations. WRITE YOUR PROGRAM HERE and on the back of the previous page.

End of Midterm