Lesson 21 - Learning Goals

21.1 Learn why sorting is useful

21.2 Learn several different Sorting Techniques

21.3 Learn how to compare different sorting algorithms



Order notation

For sorting:

Bubble sort

A(1) small

A(2) .

A(3) .

… .

A(n) big

Bubble sort Algorithm

for i = 1 to n do

for j = n downto i + 1 do

if A[j] < A[j-1] then

Swap(A[j] , A[j-1])

Insertion Sort

Algorithm for Insertion Sort

A[0] = -MaxInt

for i = 2 to n do begin

j = i

while A[j] < A[j-1] do begin

Swap(A[j], A[j-1])

j = j - 1



Selection sort

Algorithm for Selection Sort

for i = 1 to n - 1 do begin

j = i

Min = A[i]

for k = i + 1 to n do

if A[k] < Min then begin

Min = A[k]

j = k



Swap( A[i], A[j])


Shell Sort

Better algorithms

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