
Nested loops to access arrays

! =====> Program - P52.F90
!     Nested loops to access arrays
      CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: MONTH(12)
      INTEGER  UNITS(12)
      REAL     SALES(12)
      PRINT *, 'This is Program >> P52  - Nested loops for arrays'
!     Tell program where data for  READ *  is coming from
      OPEN(UNIT=5, FILE='P52.DAT')      ! UNIT=5 is the default input
L1:   DO I=1,12
      END DO L1
   15 FORMAT(A3,I7,F5.1)
L2:   DO J=1,4        ! Four quarters
L3:      DO K=1,3     ! Each with three months
           I=I+1      ! Month pointer I goes from 1 to 12
         END DO L3
         PRINT 25,J,NQ,SQ
   25    FORMAT(' QUARTER',I2, &  
         I7,' CARS    $',F5.1,' M')
      END DO L2

Program entered
 This is Program >> P42  - Nested DO loops
 1 5050 1
 3 10097 4
 5 15137 9
 7 20166 16
 9 25180 25
 11 30175 36
 13 35147 49
 15 40092 64
 17 45006 81
 19 49885 100
 21 54725 121
 23 59522 144
 25 64272 169
 27 68971 196
 29 73615 225
 31 78200 256
 33 82722 289
 35 87177 324
 37 91561 361
 39 95870 400
 41 100100 441
 43 104247 484
 45 108307 529
 47 112276 576
 49 116150 625
 51 119925 676
 53 123597 729
 55 127162 784
 57 130616 841
 59 133955 900
 61 137175 961
 63 140272 1024
 65 143242 1089
 67 146081 1156
 69 148785 1225
 71 151350 1296
 73 153772 1369
 75 156047 1444
 77 158171 1521
 79 160140 1600
 81 161950 1681
 83 163597 1764
 85 165077 1849
 87 166386 1936
 89 167520 2025
 91 168475 2116
 93 169247 2209
 95 169832 2304
 97 170226 2401
 99 170425 2500
Fortran-90 STOP

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Page builder: Charles Boivin

Last modified: 11/07/95