COMP 303 Fall 2010

Milestone 0 - Project Setup

$Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2010/08/30 16:10:02 $


Required Problem

  1. Make sure you have access to an installed version of Eclipse 3.5.
  2. Download the project archive on your local drive.
  3. Open Eclipse.
  4. In the Package Explorer, right-click and select Import.... Choose the General category and select Existing Projects into Workspace. Click Next.
  5. Select the Select archive file radio button, browse to the file you just downloaded, and select it. Under Projects:, Hearts should appear.
  6. Click Finish. The project should now be installed in your workspace.
  7. Expand the tests folder and navigate to the TestCard class. Right-click on the class and select Runs As | JUnit Test. The test results will appear in a new view. It should be green.
  8. In the src folder, expand the util package and navigate to the Tester class. Right-click on the class and select Runs As | Java Application. A random playing card should appear on the screen.
  9. Use this code to familiarize yourself with the project environment and tools. Feel free to access additional resources on JUnit (see course webpage for example).
  10. Form a project team of 4 students. When you have found your team mates, post a meassage on the WebCT bulletin board with title NEW TEAM. In the body of the message, put the names of the team mates (do not include their student ID).
At this point your environment is all set to go except for setting up your CVS repository. Make sure to read all the code in the project to understand how it works. More details will be provided in class.


The only deliverable for this part of the project is team formation. Teams formed (and logged in WebCT) by Friday September 10, 11:59am will get a 5% bonus on milestone 1.


There is no formal evaluation for this part. However, your knowledge of the material is necessary to complete the other parts of the project, and is subject to examination.