Excursions in Computer Science (COMP-199)

Syllabus - Winter 2008


General Information

Location:McConnell Engineering 12
Times:Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 3:35-4:25pm.
Instructor:Professor Joelle Pineau, School of Computer Science.
Office:McConnell 106N.
Email:jpineau@cs.mcgill.ca   Best way to contact me!
Office hours:
Monday/Wednesday 2:30-3:30, McConnell 106N.
Meetings at other times by appointment.
Teaching assistants:
Monica Dinculescu
Office hours: Thursday 2:30-3:30. McConell 108
Class web page:


Course Description

This is a seminar format course intended for freshman and other beginning students. The topics are chosen to encourage critical discussion of fundamental ideas. The course is intended to provide a survey of selected topics in computer science. Possible topics are computability, complexity, geometry, vision, AI, pattern recognition, machine models, cryptography and security and social implications of computing.

We will also explore concrete questions such as: What are the origins of computation? Are there things that computers cannot do? How do we build internet search engines? How do you teach a robot to walk and talk? How can we safely communicate confidential information? How can computers help cure cancer?

The course is appropriate for both novice and experienced computer users. It is intended for any student with high-school-level math and science background who has a keen interest in learning how the science of computation is impacting the world in which we live.

Course Outline


Reference Materials

  1. Required textbook: None.
  2. Optional textbook: Daniel Hillis. Pattern on the Stone, the simple ideas that make computers work. Basic Books, 1998.
  3. Lecture notes: Available from the course web page as we go.


Class Requirements

The class grade will be based on the following components:

The assignments will include some practical problems, some applications, and some writing. No formal programming is required.

The final project can be done individually on in group, depending on the topic and scope selected. Lots of flexibility will be given regarding choice of topic and content (e.g. read and summarize articles on topic of interst; robot or game programming; computer simulation of biological or social phenomenon; creative use of music, image, simulation software. The project will be evaluated based on an oral in-class presentation, and a written report.

The midterm examination are written examinations.

Homework Policy

Assignments and projects should be submitted in class on the day when they are due. For work submitted late, 20% will be deducted from the grade for every late day.

All assignments and midterms are INDIVIDUAL. Exceptions can be made for the final project, upon permission of the instructor.

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information).