Ismail Badawi Carla Morawicz JOOS Benchmark -- Battle Connect Four This program is a modified version of Connect4, where several special moves have been introduced to make the game more interesting and fun. The provided ones mainly delete tokens in certain patterns, but since all the moves are are implemented by overriding a method in an abstract class, any move one can think of could theoretically be added. Maybe one that deletes random tokens on the board, or rotates the board 90 degrees, or swaps the player's tokens, or allows a player to place more than one token, or to let his token replace the one on which it falls instead of landing on top of it, or place it on the bottom of a column moving everything else up, or... For testing purposes, the first input is an integer indicating either deterministic mode, or random mode. Each player is allocated three special moves from our list of special moves -- in deterministic mode, these moves are always the same in the same order. Our provided input files all start with 1 for deterministic mode (but the game should be played in random mode, obviously.) Compile with `joosc *.java`, run with `java Game`.