import joos.lib.*; import java.util.*; public class GameCenter { protected JoosIO f; protected Vector cmdList; protected Player p; public GameCenter () { super(); f = new JoosIO(); cmdList = new Vector(); } public static void main(String argv[]) { GameCenter g; g = new GameCenter();; } /* Runs program There is probably a nicer way to build up the game world than to do it here at the beginning of the method */ public void run(){ int i; String s; Location a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b2, d12; //Set up commands cmdList.addElement(new MoveCommand()); cmdList.addElement(new LookCommand()); cmdList.addElement(new WhatCommand()); cmdList.addElement(new GetCommand()); cmdList.addElement(new InventoryCommand()); //Set up Locations a2 = new LocationA2(); //Start a1 = new LocationA1(); b2 = new LocationB2(); a3 = new LocationA3(); a4 = new LocationA4(); a5 = new LocationA5(); d12 = new LocationD12(); //Add links between locations a2.addLink(new Link(a1, "NORTH", "A doorway of threatening igneous rock, still glowing.")); a2.addLink(new Link(b2, "EAST", "A familiar tunnel smelling faintly of iron.")); a2.addLink(new Link(a3, "SOUTH", "A sign above an opening in the cave wall reads 'Sic Transit Gloria Mundi'.")); a3.addLink(new Link(a2, "NORTH", "A sign above an opening in the cave wall reads 'Memento Mori'.")); a3.addLink(new Link(a4, "SOUTH", "An ominous hallway looms ahead.")); a4.addLink(new Link(a3, "NORTH", "To add")); a4.addLink(new Link(a5, "SOUTH", "A calming light shimmers.")); a5.addLink(new Link(a4, "NORTH", "To add.")); a5.addLink(new Link(d12, "", "HOME!")); //Start up the player p = new Player(a2); while(true){ if (p.isGameOver()){ f.println(p.farewellMsg()); return; } p.getLocation().print(f); f.print("> "); s = f.readLine().trim(); f.print("\n\n---------------\n\n"); this.parseCommand(s); f.print("\n---------------\n\n"); } } /* Parses and Executes commands */ public void parseCommand(String command ){ String com; String target; int i; Command c; boolean commandFound; if (command.length() == 0){ f.println("Enter a command or action"); return; } //Break up command and the target of it i = command.indexOf(" ", 0); if (i == -1){ com = command.toUpperCase(); target = null; } else{ com = command.substring(0,i).toUpperCase(); target = command.substring(i+1, command.length()).toUpperCase(); } commandFound = false; //Find what command to execute and do it for (i=0; i < cmdList.size(); i++){ c = (Command) cmdList.elementAt(i); if (c.isCommand(com)){ c.execute(com, target, p); return; } } f.println("Do not understand "+com.toUpperCase()+ ", try something like GO, LOOK, TAKE"); } }