package joos.lib; public class JoosThread { // my copy of a real JAVA thread protected Thread myThread; // constructor public JoosThread(Thread t) { super(); myThread = t; } // get at constants public int MAX_PRIORITY() { return(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY);} public int MIN_PRIORITY() { return(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);} public int NORM_PRIORITY() { return(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);} // get at static methods public int activeCount() { return(Thread.activeCount()); } public Thread currentThread() { return(Thread.currentThread()); } public void dumpStack() { Thread.dumpStack(); } public void yield() { Thread.yield(); } public boolean sleep(int millis) // returns true if interrupted, false otherwise { try { Thread.sleep((long) millis); return(false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return(true); } } // make a join that takes an int argument and returns bool public final synchronized boolean join(int millis) // returns true if interrupted, false otherwise { try { myThread.join((long) millis); return(false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return(true); } } }