import joos.lib.*; public class Beep { protected Tools t; protected BeepIO io; public Beep() { super(); t = new Tools(); io = new BeepIO(); } public static void main(String argv[]) { Beep b; b = new Beep();; } public void run() { BeepIO f; String line; String oldword; String word; int currentLineOffset; Lexicon l; f = new BeepIO(); oldword = ""; word = ""; line = f.readLine(); currentLineOffset = 0; f.setPrintDelay(15); l = new Lexicon(); while (line != null) { oldword = t.getNextToken(line); word = l.translate(oldword); if (word.equals(oldword) && oldword.endsWith("s")) { oldword = oldword.substring(0, oldword.length()-1); word = l.translate(oldword); word = word + "s"; oldword = oldword + "s"; } if(!word.equals(oldword)) word = "*" + word + "*"; if (!oldword.equals(line)) line = line.substring(oldword.length()+1, line.length()); else line = f.readLine(); if(!word.equals(oldword)) t.beep(1); /* Words larger than 80 chars must be split so there is no word wrap */ if(word.length() > 80) { f.print(word); currentLineOffset = (currentLineOffset + word.length()) % 80; if(currentLineOffset > 0) { f.print(" "); currentLineOffset = (currentLineOffset + 1) % 80; } } /* Words smaller than or equal to 80 chars must be wrapped if they make * the current offset overflow 80 chars */ else if(currentLineOffset + word.length() > 80) { currentLineOffset = word.length() % 80; f.println(""); f.print(word); if(currentLineOffset > 0) { f.print(" "); currentLineOffset = (currentLineOffset + 1) % 80; } } /* Otherwise, words are sent straight to stdout! */ else { currentLineOffset = (currentLineOffset + word.length()) % 80; f.print(word); if(currentLineOffset > 0) { f.print(" "); currentLineOffset = (currentLineOffset + 1) % 80; } } t.sleep(200); } } }