GPSS Simulator Specification

GENERATE(Mean, Modifier, count)

Create Transactions whose interval is Mean+-Modifier until #transactions = count

SEIZE(Facility No)

Allows the transaction to engage a facility if it's available

RELEASE(Facility No)

Allows the transaction to disengage the facility

ADVANCE(Mean, Modifier)

The transaction remain in the advance block for interval = Mean+-Modifier

TRANSFER(Select Factor, Block A, Block B)

The probability of going to block A is 1-S, and to block B is s. BOTH is not supported.


Remove Transaction


Set termination number

    Simulation result should include

Total simulation time

The time from beginning to end of simulation

Average simulation time

Total simulation time/#transactions

Average utility of facility

Average utility of an facility

Average occupied time of facility

Average occupied time of facility

The entry number of block label

Shows how many transactions go into the block label

Tracing result

Display transactions go through all blocks to ease the burden of debugging if VERBOSE flag is turned on

    For detail, please see